A typically female disease, which is extremely rare in men due to differences in anatomy. The significantly shorter urethra in women favors the entry of Escerichia coli into the bladder.
Bladder infection tends to recur. Fortunately, there are home remedies to combat this condition.
Severe symptoms
Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, treatment should be undertaken, because with the development of infection, we run the risk of pyelonephritis. In a mild course of cystitis, there are a maximum of two symptoms. However, the harder we go through the disease, the more symptoms disrupt our day. All of the following may occur in the most severe form:
- dysuria, i.e. severe stinging, pain and burning during urination,
- the need to go to the toilet occurs suddenly and is strong,
- pollakiuria, we urinate often, but in small amounts,
- urine is stained with blood or has a foul odor
- pressure tenderness, soreness located in the lower abdomen,
- back pain.
Fight the disease at home!
The first method is alkalization. Prepare a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda in it, drink it at hourly intervals. Use up to three times a day. However, keep in mind that alkalization limits the benefits of any antibiotics you may be taking.
Since drinking large amounts of water helps to dilute the urine and flush out bacteria, it is advisable to drink a glass of water immediately after the first symptoms appear. Then every 20 minutes for the next three hours, drink half a glass. If your urine is dark in color, it means you haven’t drunk enough water. The amount of fluids consumed during the day should be up to two liters.
A hot bath will relieve inflammation. To enhance their effect, you can add pine or cedar oil.
Eat 1000 mg of vitamin C on each treatment day. Thanks to the appropriate acidification of the urine, the growth of bacteria will not be possible. If you are taking an antibiotic, consult your doctor, because vitamin C, like alkalization, weakens its properties.
It is worth reaching for painkillers with anti-inflammatory effects, which are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Together with inflammation, they should reduce the discomfort of burning.
Cranberry juice, dried fruit and cranberry supplements bring excellent results due to the richness of quinoleic acid, which makes it difficult for bacteria to settle on the walls of the bladder.
To prevent recurrence, it is worth drinking peppermint or dandelion infusion.
It is necessary to wash the perineal area after defecation, as well as before and immediately after intercourse.
Women suffering from recurrent cystitis are advised not to use tampons, uterine discs and spirals, which, when inserted deeply into the vagina, make it difficult to fight bacteria.