Baking “cash” pancakes: a ritual on Shrovetide to attract wealth

Maslenitsa week begins on March 8. Pancakes are an integral symbol of the holiday; they symbolize the spring sun. But they can bring not only pleasure, but also money. You just need to carry out a simple ritual.

It doesn’t matter which recipe you choose: with kefir or milk, with mineral water or with yeast – knead the dough in any way. The main thing is that the pancakes are without heat and filling. In addition, it is important to observe the following things during cooking:

  • before starting work, rinse not only your hands, but also your face;

  • speak the conspiracy 3 times: “I bake pancakes for you, you give me a full bag».

Now you can get to work. Better if you bake pancakes all alone to concentrate on your dreams of wealth. Imagine that you received the required amount, what emotions overwhelm you, what will you spend your money on in the first place. Scroll through the possible options in your head, well, if you feel joy and euphoria, then your subconscious mind is ready and the ritual will work 100 percent.

The first five pancakes cannot be eaten by yourself, they must be given to the poor. You don’t have to share with the beggar, it could just be a person you empathize with or just now has big money problems. But it is important to put everything in the pile with the first pancakes, even those that turned out to be lumpy.

Before serving pancakes, say to yourself: “I share pancakes – I’ll be rich soon! I share without self-interest, only from generosity!»

It is important that you treat pancakes with a pure heart, with good intentions. Although the ceremony is carried out for the sake of money, your thoughts should still be pure. The received profit should be directed only for the good, it is impossible for someone to suffer because of this money.

Self-interest and greed have not brought anyone to any good yet. The universe cannot be fooled. If you treat a person in need just for the sake of gaining a benefit, without genuinely empathizing with him, then magic will not work. Be grateful, appreciate what you have, you don’t need to want money just for the sake of its quantity. Prosperity should bring joy and benefit, if the cherished bills simply lie somewhere on the card or account, then they carry dead energy and interfere with further enrichment. 

By the way, you can bake money pancakes on the day of the spring equinox, March 21. On this day, the ritual will be especially powerful.

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