Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Sturgeon fish has long been considered a valuable fish and is perfect for decorating a festive table. Of course, there is no need to talk about everyday cooking, since in our time this fish is quite rare in stores. In addition, it is expensive and not everyone can afford it. It is permissible to cook fish using any technology, but baking in the oven allows you to save the maximum amount of useful components. The sturgeon has tender and fatty meat, so it cannot be dried out in the oven.

Subtleties of cooking fish

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

To really get a tasty and healthy dish, just use a number of useful recommendations, such as:

  1. Fresh or frozen fish is best for cooking. In the case of buying a freshly frozen sturgeon, you will have to carefully examine it so as not to buy a stale or several times frozen product. The carcass of the fish should be uniform in color and have a small amount of mucus. In addition, the gills of the fish should have a dark brown color, and the fish exude a fresh fishy aroma.
  2. Before the cooking process, the fish is washed, cleaned and disposed of the insides. The fish has rather hard scales and it is not easy to get rid of it, but the process can be greatly facilitated if the fish is doused with boiling water.
  3. When cooking a whole sturgeon, it is permissible not to remove the head and tail, but the gills and fins can be removed.
  4. This fish has a peculiar fishy smell, but it can be easily masked by rubbing the fish with a mixture of various spices, parsley, thyme and black pepper.
  5. A delicious dish is obtained when a fish carcass is used, weighing at least 3 kg, since it contains enough fat and the dish does not turn out dry.
  6. The fish is cooked for 25-60 minutes, depending on the size.
  7. Sturgeon fish is tasty in itself, so it is not appropriate to abuse spices and seasonings. They need just enough to hide the unique flavor of the fish.

Roasting whole sturgeon

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

This method of cooking fish is available to chefs of various qualifications, including housewives.

To feed a family of 5, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Two kilograms of fish (carcass).
  • One lemon.
  • Low-fat mayonnaise – enough 80 g.
  • Greens – about 50 g.
  • Olive oil – about 50 ml.
  • Salt and spices – to taste.

Stages of preparation:

  1. The fish is cleaned, washed and disposed of the insides, after which it is rubbed with salt and spices.
  2. Greens are crushed and mixed with mayonnaise.
  3. The fish is stuffed with this mixture, and the walls of the abdomen are fixed with toothpicks.
  4. The fish is placed on a piece of foil, with its back up.
  5. Along the ridge of the fish, transverse cuts are made into which halves of lemon slices are inserted.
  6. Sturgeon is poured with oil and lemon juice, after which it is wrapped in foil.
  7. The oven is turned on and heated to 200 degrees, after which the fish is placed in the oven for half an hour.
  8. When the fish is cooked, it is laid out on a flat plate.

Cooking stuffed sturgeon

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

The dish is considered a delicacy, therefore it is considered a symbol of prosperity for any family. Any red fish can serve as a filling, and instead of sturgeon, it is permissible to use sterlet.

To prepare 4 servings, you must have:

  • Carcass of fish weighing at least 1 kg.
  • Salmon fillet – within 250 g.
  • One onion.
  • One carrot.
  • One raw egg.
  • Salt and various seasonings.
  • Vegetable oil.

Technology of preparation:

  1. Onions and carrots are chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil.
  2. Salmon is cut into wide slices and sprinkled with spices.
  3. Fried vegetables are mixed with salmon with the addition of an egg.
  4. The sturgeon is cleaned, disposed of the insides and washed thoroughly. After that, several cuts are made in the back area, after which the fish is salted and seasoned.
  5. The sturgeon is stuffed with prepared stuffing.
  6. The belly of the fish is connected with small skewers.
  7. The dish is cooked in the oven at a temperature of 16 degrees for 50 minutes.

Sturgeon pieces

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Quite a tasty dish, especially with cheese, which can be put on the festive table, not to mention everyday cooking.

To feed 4 people, you will need the following ingredients:

  • One carcass of medium size.
  • A couple of bulbs.
  • Hard cheese, about 150 grams.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Vegetable oil, not more than 20 ml.
  • Sour cream of medium density, within 40 grams.
  • Salt and spices – to taste.

Technological stages of preparation:

  1. First of all, the fish is cleaned, the entrails are removed and the fins, tail and head are cut off.
  2. After that, the fish is cut into portioned pieces.
  3. Chopped fish is salted, peppered and poured with lemon juice. Then the pieces of fish should be marinated for half an hour.
  4. A baking dish is taken and greased with vegetable oil.
  5. The onion is peeled and cut into rings, after which it is laid out on the bottom of the mold.
  6. Pieces of fish are laid out on top of the onion in an even layer. Each piece should be smeared with sour cream, and sprinkled with hard chopped cheese on top.
  7. The oven turns on and heats up to a temperature of about 190 degrees. The dish is cooked in such conditions for 40 minutes.

Sturgeon cooked “royally”

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Important! This recipe makes it possible to prepare a delicious dish for the festive table.

The subtleties of its preparation lie not only in the unique taste of the fish, but also in the beautiful presentation associated with the presence of various components.

For 7 servings you will need the following products:

  • Sturgeon carcass, weighing at least 2,5 kg.
  • Fresh champignons, 600 grams is enough.
  • Enough two carrots.
  • One lemon.
  • Olive oil, enough 120 ml.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • Dried coriander, 3 grams is enough.

To decorate a dish, you can use:

  • Cherry tomatoes, radish.
  • Boiled crayfish.
  • Lemons.
  • Cranberries.
  • Leaves of lettuce.
  • Fresh parsley.

How to cook

  1. Mushrooms are cut and fried in oil until tender.
  2. Onions are added to the finished mushrooms, and after a couple of minutes, chopped carrots.
  3. Then the dish is salted, peppered and cooked for about 5 minutes. After this time, cream is added and the contents in the pan are mixed.
  4. Lemon is cut into half slices.
  5. The fish is prepared, while the head and tail are cut off, including the fins.
  6. Shallow cuts are made on the carcass of the fish so that slices of lemon can be inserted into them.
  7. The fish is formed by the contents of the pan, after which the abdomen is fastened with toothpicks.
  8. The fish is wrapped in foil (preferably in 2 layers) and placed for half an hour in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. After half an hour, the foil unfolds and the dish is cooked for another 15 minutes until an appetizing golden crust appears.

Sturgeon in vegetables

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Fish prepared according to this recipe is noted for being much juicier than with other cooking methods.

To get 5 servings, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • Sturgeon fillet – about 0,5 kg.
  • So many potatoes.
  • Four bulbs.
  • A couple of carrots.
  • One bell pepper.
  • Tomato juice, 1 cup is enough.
  • Salt.
  • Seasonings.
  • Vegetable oil.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. The fish fillet is cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt and spices, and then left for 30 minutes.
  2. Potatoes are peeled and cut into circles, which are then boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. Onions are cut (half rings) and carrots into strips, and then fried until golden brown.
  4. Take half a potato and lay it out on a baking dish. The main thing – do not forget to salt.
  5. Pieces of fish are placed on top of the potatoes.
  6. On top of the pieces of fish, the remains of potatoes are laid out, as well as fried vegetables.
  7. In conclusion, the dish is poured with tomato juice.
  8. A similar dish is prepared at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Any cooked sturgeon dish has excellent taste. In fact, there are many more recipes, with the addition of various foods, so choosing the most delicious dish for cooking will not be difficult.

In conclusion

Baked sturgeon in the oven: delicious recipes whole and in pieces

Seafood dishes, and sturgeon in particular, are not only tasty, but also healthy. Daily consumption of fish dishes allows you to regularly replenish the human body with all the necessary nutrients. This allows you to keep the body healthy, thanks to the normal functioning of all internal organs. Due to the presence of vitamins and microelements in fish meat, a person can easily cope with many ailments associated with a lack of such components.

Sturgeon in the oven

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