Baked milk

The taste of baked milk simply cannot leave you indifferent. More subtle and delicate milky notes are replaced by unexpected coffee and caramel aftertaste. It is in this aftertaste that all the beauty of the product lies, it is for the sake of it that a person tries to increase the sip time in order to linger in this sweet-coffee veil for at least a few seconds longer.

We are accustomed to adding the caramel ingredient to coffee, pastries, or simply to a glass for further consumption. But what is really hidden behind an attractive label and what is the danger of excessive passion for sweetened cow’s milk?

General product characteristics

Baked (stewed) milk is a product made on the basis of whole cow’s milk, which has been subjected to uneven exposure to high temperatures.

Such a drink is characteristic of the Slavic culinary tradition. Our distant relatives loved to light the oven, put a huge vat of milk in it, and after simple manipulations enjoy a sweet, nutritious drink.

Non-Slavic countries are practically not familiar with a specific drink. In foreign languages ​​there is no direct translation of the term “baked milk”, there are only indirect terms that are rarely used in everyday speech.

An analogue of the Slavic drink is katyk. This is a Turkic dish, the method of preparation of which is very similar to the recipe for baked milk. The white foamy liquid is aged for several hours in an oven at high temperatures. The liquid, however, should not boil. After that, the milk is evaporated and a drink very similar in taste and structure is obtained.

After simple manipulations, a beige (like diluted cocoa) drink is obtained with a sweetish coffee flavor and a pleasant aroma. Such a product is stored much longer than regular cow’s milk. The souring process is slightly “pushed back” due to prolonged heat treatment.

The drink is drunk in its pure form, added to coffee, other dairy products, pastries, creams and desserts are prepared on its basis.

Chemical composition of the product
Nutritional value (per 100 milliliters)
Caloric value67 kCal
Proteins2,9 g
Fats4 g
Carbohydrates4,7 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water87,6 g
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 milliliters)
Retinol (A)0,03
Beta Carotene (A)0,018
Thiamine (V1)0,02
Riboflavin (V2)0,13
Ascorbic acid (C)0,3
Tocopherol (E)0,1
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,8
Niacin (B3)0,1
Nutrient balance
Macronutrients (in milligrams per 100 milliliters)
Potassium (K)146
Calcium (Ca)124
Magnesium (Mg)14
Sodium (Na)50
Sulfur (S)29
Phosphorus (P)92
Trace elements (in micrograms per 100 milliliters)
Iron (Fe)100
Tin (Sn)13
Strontium (Sr)17

Features of composition

Long-term heat treatment somehow affects the composition of the final product. Milk sugar (lactose) when heated begins to interact with protein amino acids. The process is called the Maillard reaction. It is due to this process that the product acquires a pleasant creamy hue and a taste of caramel / coffee or chocolate.

Uneven exposure to temperatures also affects the structure of amino acids. They form sulfide groups, begin to interact with other constituent liquids and create a unique taste and smell of milk.

When languishing, part of the useful composition literally evaporates:

  • fat content increases by 6%;
  • the level of calcium (Ca) increases to 124 milligrams;
  • the amount of iron (Fe) is reduced by 0,1 milligram;
  • the concentration of retinol (A) increases to 0,04 milligrams;
  • the indicator of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) drops by 4 times;
  • the level of thiamine (B1) is reduced by 2 points.

Technology of preparation

industrial cooking

The product is manufactured on an industrial scale. Modern equipment, which is provided for production, conducts preliminary pasteurization of milk, after which the drink is kept at a temperature of 85 to 99 ° C. Exposure is carried out in closed sterile containers for 90 minutes. The liquid must not be affected in any way. If it is disturbed, then huge layers of fat and protein plexuses will immediately rise to the surface.

Upon completion of the languishing, the liquid is cooled to 40°C. Now the milk must be stirred to achieve the desired consistency and structure. After mixing, the containers are sent for cooling, after which they are poured into the necessary containers and transported to points of sale.

Home cooking

Boil regular cow’s milk. Prepare a capacious thermos, rinse it with boiling water, and then pour in the still hot white liquid. Leave the thermos to cool for 5-6 hours at room temperature.

There is no need to heat in a sealed container for a long time at home. There is a high probability that the product will burn, “run away” and foam.

How dangerous is the product

Thinning of the skeletal system

For a long time, thanks to advertising, mankind believed that dairy products strengthen bones. American studies have refuted this misconception.

US residents drink 6 times more dairy than New Guineans. Americans, however, are 47 times more likely to suffer from fractures of the limbs. The most injured area is the ankle.

In 1974, Nurses Health conducted a study. The test men and women adhered to a special dairy diet and “competed” with those who avoided such food rituals. The dairy group suffered more often from pain in muscles and bones, periodically ended up in the hospital with injuries and fractures. Those who refused dairy products felt great and did not complain about the state of the skeletal system.

Increased risk of developing cancer

Scientists from Harvard University claim that daily consumption of 1 liter of dairy products leads to an increased risk of developing prostate and breast cancer. The threshold is raised by more than 30%. A similar phenomenon develops due to dioxin. This is a highly toxic chemical found in milk that threatens normal human functioning.

Women who enjoy dairy products are 44% more likely to develop invasive ovarian cancer.

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance affects 3% of the population of Sweden and Denmark, 17% of Finland and Switzerland, 30% of England, 42% of France, about 100% of the United States, Africa and Southeast Asia.

The statistics are really impressive. In the majority of the population, lactase levels decrease with age. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Due to the lack of one enzyme, deficiency develops. Intolerance manifests itself in:

  • chronic constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • acne;
  • sharp pains in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting;
  • stool disorder.

Cause of acne

Milk not only exacerbates the current condition of the skin, but also provokes the development of acne. The reason lies in the presence of hormones, anabolics and antibiotics, which are included in milk and, accordingly, fall into its derivatives. An additional factor that affects acne is milk sugar. It provokes sharp jumps in blood glucose, stimulates the production of insulin, and this, in turn, enhances the effect of steroids on the skin.

How to replace baked milk in the diet

The days when skimmed milk was the only alternative to cow’s milk are long gone. The modern sophisticated consumer is very interested in their own health, so they spend several hours at the counter to closely study the composition and calculate the possible benefits of the purchase. You already know that cow’s milk is better not to eat, but what can replace it and will the alternative be just as tasty and versatile?

Almond milk

The product compensates for the lack of calcium (K) in the body. One glass contains about 30% of the daily intake of the nutrient. Scientists have proven that cow’s milk does not strengthen the skeletal system and, on the contrary, “washes out” most of the vitamins from the human body. But the almond product supports the health of bones and joints.

The cost of the product is quite high, but it can be easily reduced if you prepare milk yourself. The price of raw almonds is quite affordable, and the process of squeezing milk does not take much time.

Soy milk

The ingredient is best used in combination with other herbal ingredients (fruit/vegetable juices, coconut water or cream). Soy will help to quickly restore muscle activity, which is especially useful after strength or cardio training. In addition to muscle tone, we also get an impressive energy boost for the rest of the day. A nice bonus for athletes and adherents of a healthy diet: soy contains about 7 grams of protein. There is no need to worry about the taste and aroma of the product either. Taste buds will respond with gratitude to the delicate enveloping texture and pleasant, incomparable taste.

Rice milk

This product is the sweetest offer on the market (due to natural vegetable, not artificial sugar). Even a fastidious child who is used to chocolate and sweet tea will not be able to refuse rich rice liquid. Based on the component, you can cook oatmeal, various cereals, cook pastries, or just drink in small glasses.

Rice liquid adds a lot of fluffiness to the dough, so be careful and correctly size the baking dish.

Hemp milk

This is the most nutritious food on the list. The taste, aroma and even the structure of the ingredient is very unusual. The taste of grated seeds can be used not only in desserts / pastries, but also in salty dishes. Try the combination of mashed potatoes and hemp milk. The liquid will help maintain a nice soft texture, enhance the natural flavors of the ingredients, and give the traditional dish some new aromatic contrasts.

Flaxseed milk

The product will perfectly fit into the diet of those who are trying to lose weight. 100 grams of milk contains 25 calories and only 2,5 grams of fat. The linen component is perfect for baking and desserts. The dough is soft, tender, with a light enveloping linen aroma. Natural sweetness will be enough to avoid or minimize the use of sweeteners.

hazelnut milk

Great alternative to cream in coffee. The flavor palette consists of sweet nutty notes that are perfect for main courses and desserts. The fat content is only 3,5 grams of fat, so losing weight can safely afford a cup of milk in the morning.]

Coconut milk

Absolutely everything can be replaced with coconut liquid: from broth for soup to the base for yogurt or pastries. Use not only milk, but also water, cream extracted from coconut. Calculate the daily BJU and try to include coconut products in the first meal and snacks. This significantly reduces cravings for sweets, quickly saturates and sets energy for the rest of the day. The main advantage of the product is the absence of animal fat and a rich vitamin composition that is easily digestible.

Oat milk

Ideal for making pancakes, pancakes and homemade waffles. The structure of the finished dish will be much denser and more magnificent than when using cow’s milk. Moreover, the taste and aroma of the oat component is so rich and bright that the need for additional sweeteners is automatically reduced. It’s a great substitute for sweet chocolate bars or sugar-filled candies.

cashew product

The exotic taste of cashews will be able to dilute the monotonous palette of salads and make a special accent to the sauce. Use the product instead of cream or sour cream. No trans fats, no extra calories or chemical components are hidden behind a pleasant creamy nutty flavor.

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