The benefits and harms of baked garlic in the oven are determined by the chemical composition and properties. Compared to a raw vegetable, a baked product is less spicy. Thanks to heat treatment, it acquires a special taste, and in consistency it becomes like a paste. Such a mass is consumed both independently (spread on bread), and in combination with other additives (mustard, curd cheese, yogurt).

The chemical composition of baked garlic

The chemical composition of baked garlic is almost the same as that of raw garlic. It includes:

  • organic acids;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins: C, group B;
  • water;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium.

As a result of processing, roasted garlic loses some of the essential oils, which give it a characteristic aroma. But this can be completely avoided if you bake the cloves without cleaning the head and wrapping it in foil. The only drawback of the baked product is that it does not contain allicin. This substance has antioxidant activity, but is found only in fresh cloves. The absence of allicin does not affect the taste in any way.

Comment! The calorie content of baked garlic differs little from fresh.

It is about 143–149 kcal per 100 g (excluding oil). Nutritional value of the product (100 g): proteins 6,5 g, fats 0,5 g, carbohydrates 29,9 g.

Benefits of roasted garlic

The benefits of baked garlic are determined by the rich chemical composition. The product has a beneficial effect on various organ systems, awakens appetite and strengthens the immune system.

For men

Baked garlic is beneficial for the male body. It is as follows:

  • normalization of sexual function;
  • stimulation of testosterone synthesis;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the vessels;
  • increased blood flow to all organs;
  • improved liver function;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • diabetes prevention;
  • restoration of the central nervous system.
Baked garlic: health benefits and contraindications

Baked garlic improves erection and normalizes blood pressure in men

For women     

A natural product is recommended for everyone. Baked garlic has beneficial properties for women, which is manifested in the following:

  • lowering cholesterol;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • prevention of thrombosis due to blood thinning;
  • slowing the aging process;
  • prevention of cancer of the uterus and mammary glands;
  • strengthening bones and joints, preventing osteoporosis;
  • improving the condition of the hair;
  • awakening of appetite;
  • mood improvement.
Important! Garlic in fresh and baked form can be consumed even by pregnant women (no more than two cloves per day).

However, in the third trimester, it is better to exclude the product or switch only to the baked one. If you experience allergies or other side effects, you should consult your doctor.

For children

Children can also occasionally be given garlic in small quantities – starting with one clove a day. If there are no medical contraindications, you can start as early as the ninth month. This is especially important in the presence of any disease of the digestive system or allergic reactions.

The benefits of baked garlic for children are as follows:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of rickets;
  • fight against worms;
  • stimulating appetite;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • additional remedy for SARS.
Important! The study of the antibacterial properties of baked and fresh garlic was carried out repeatedly.

As a result, it was found that people who regularly include the product in their diet suffer from colds 3 times less than those who do not eat it at all.

How to Roast Whole Garlic in the Oven

In the processed form, the vegetable loses its aroma, but it becomes less pungent. Roasting turns the cloves into a thick paste that is easy to spread on bread. The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • garlic – whole, unpeeled heads;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • olive oil;
  • dried or fresh thyme – a few pinches.
Baked garlic: health benefits and contraindications

You will need foil to bake garlic in the oven.

You can also use rosemary or basil instead of thyme. Roasting is carried out in the oven, so you will need a form (or heat-resistant tray) and foil. The instruction is this:

  1. Cut off the top layer of the heads so that the cloves are exposed. You don’t need to wash anything, let alone clean it – they should remain intact.
  2. Lay bottom down (cut side up) in a tin. There is no need to add oil or water to it.
  3. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, thyme or other spices on each head.
  4. Drizzle each head with olive oil so that it seeps between the cloves as well.
  5. Cover the form with foil or wrap each head. This must be done tightly so that the vegetable does not lose flavor during baking.
  6. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  7. Bake for 50-60 minutes.
  8. Take out and remove the foil. Care must be taken as vapors can burn hands.
  9. Allow to cool to such a temperature that the teeth can be picked up.

    Baked garlic: health benefits and contraindications

  10. Peel each of them, crush the contents in a separate plate.

The resulting garlic paste can be spread on toast, cracker or used as an additional snack for a meat or vegetable dish. It is used both in pure form and with additives. For example, you can take two tablespoons of paste and mix with the following ingredients:

  • sweet mustard – 1 tsp;
  • curd cheese – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt without sugar and other additives – 150 ml;
  • sprig of dill (only leaves) – 1 pc.

All components are mixed, after which finely chopped dill and salt are added to taste. The dressing goes well with meat and fish dishes.

Attention! When preparing roasted garlic, care must be taken to ensure that the product does not burn. Spoiled cloves give an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.

Contraindications and possible harm

The use of baked garlic is contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases (not only the digestive, but also other systems):

  • gastritis;
  • cholelithiasis of the liver;
  • an ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • kidney failure;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • individual intolerance to components, allergies;
  • eye diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • epilepsy (may provoke an attack);
  • pregnancy (late terms).
Baked garlic: health benefits and contraindications

According to WHO recommendations, up to 5 g of garlic can be consumed per day, i.e. 1-2 medium cloves

In the case of a product that has undergone heat treatment, the amount can be slightly increased, since it is not so spicy. Baked garlic has not only benefits, it also has contraindications. In excessive amounts, this product can lead to several side effects at once:

  1. Awakening appetite indirectly contributes to weight gain.
  2. Garlic juice irritates the lining of the stomach and intestines, which can lead to heartburn, belching, and even ulcers.
  3. The vegetable has a choleretic effect – in excess, it can provoke a strong outflow of bile.
  4. The product may cause heart rhythm disturbances.
  5. There is evidence that baked and especially fresh garlic reduce the severity of the reaction: this should be taken into account, for example, by drivers.
  6. For older people, the abuse of garlic is dangerous for the development of senile dementia. There are also contradictory data that the application strengthens memory.

Thus, the health benefits and harms of baked garlic are determined by its dosage. But for people with chronic diseases, this product can be dangerous even in small quantities.


The benefits and harms of baked garlic in the oven do not differ from the properties of a fresh product. You can use it in reasonable quantities. At the same time, it is worth remembering that both cloves and garlic paste awaken the appetite (although the product itself is not too high in calories). Therefore, such food is not suitable for a diet.

Reviews on the benefits of baked garlic

Julia, 38 years old, Kazan
I ate baked garlic even during pregnancy, because I really wanted spicy. But fresh was impossible – because of me, they switched to garlic paste with the whole family. To cook it, you need to bake the heads in foil, but I try not for an hour, but for 40 minutes. Such garlic already loses its sharpness, but still remains tasty. Tested on our own experience: the product helps to cope with a runny nose.
Lidia Nikolaevna, 54 years old, Kaliningrad
Roasted garlic is a good substitute for fresh or powdered garlic. I cook garlic paste in the oven regularly. I noticed that the pressure is gradually decreasing. Well, the general immunity is normal, in winter there is not even a hint of a cold. When cooking, it should be kept in the oven for no more than an hour, maybe even less. Then I advise you to make garlic buns or just spread the pasta on dried crackers.
Lyubov, 45 years old, Omsk
I like baked garlic more than fresh, because after it there is no heartburn. Of course, the antibacterial effect is also reduced. But such a product is easier to digest. If it is eaten every day, then the hair begins to shine better.
How to roast garlic.

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