Bake properly: 5 delicious and healthy dishes from Yulia Healthy Food Near Me

Tempting aroma, crisp crust, incomparable taste and colossal benefits-this is what distinguishes dishes prepared in the oven. And at the same time, they can always be made even better. We understand the culinary tricks together with the “Pilot MS” trademark. And we draw interesting ideas for the family menu from the collection of recipes of Yulia Healthy Food Near Me.

Potato and beet duo

Запекаем правильно: 5 вкусных и полезных блюд от Юлии Высоцкой

Vegetables on our tables are added every day. Among them, new potatoes have already appeared, which will make an excellent gratin. Bring to a boil a mixture of 100 ml of milk and 500 ml of cream with the addition of 3 mashed garlic cloves, a small bunch of dried thyme, 4 peas of pepper, 2 clove buds and a pinch of nutmeg. Cool the mixture and pass it through a sieve. Cut into thin circles 3 peeled beets and 4 potatoes. We lubricate with butter a rectangular ceramic form of Toscana from the brand line “We Eat At Home”. Due to the uniform heating, the ceramic helps the vegetables to preserve the maximum of vitamins, internal juices and natural taste. In turn, we spread the potatoes and beets in the form, sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper. Pour the vegetables with spicy cream, sprinkle thickly with grated cheese and bake in the oven for an hour at 190°C. The fragrant gratin will instantly attract the whole family to the kitchen.

Sweet-herbed pork

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Baked pork with herbs and garlic will brighten up everyday life in anticipation of picnics with kebabs. Put a head of peeled garlic, a small bunch of fresh thyme, oregano and rosemary in the bowl of a blender. Whisk everything into a homogeneous mass, add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, ½ tsp. pepper mixture and a pinch of salt. Rub this sauce on a large piece of pork with the skin on the bones on all sides. Sprinkle sea salt on the bottom of a rectangular ceramic Provence shape. We put the meat skin down and put it in the oven at 220°C. Since the ceramic heats up slowly and gradually, the pork will be perfectly baked inside and covered with an even golden crust on the outside. Only for this purpose, you need to put the ceramic mold in the oven, without heating it. After 40 minutes, reduce the temperature to 200°C, turn the meat over and cook for another 30 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 180°C and, covering the pork with foil, bring it to readiness.

Cod in the rosemary thicket

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Cod with rosemary and capers will perfectly fit into the family menu. Remove the leaves from 3-4 sprigs of rosemary, pour into a mortar with a pinch of sea salt and 12 peas of pepper. Pour all 4 tablespoons of olive oil and mash with a pestle. The resulting marinade is greased with 4 cod steaks or any other white fish. We spread 6-7 whole sprigs of rosemary in a square ceramic form of Toscana. Ceramics have a valuable property-to saturate products with moisture. To do this, before cooking, immerse the mold for 7-10 minutes in water at room temperature. All the accumulated moisture it will generously give to the fish, so that it will turn out especially juicy and tender. So, put the steaks in a ceramic mold, cover the cod with lemon circles and send it to the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes. By the way, even those who adhere to a strict diet can treat themselves to this light, refined dish.

Casserole with vitamins

Запекаем правильно: 5 вкусных и полезных блюд от Юлии Высоцкой

Curd-rice casserole with dried fruits is a good way to combine business with pleasure. Heat 600 ml of milk in a saucepan and cook 200 g of rice in it. Rub 3 raw egg yolks with 60 g of butter, gradually adding 150 g of sugar. Then gradually add 400 g of cottage cheese and mix well. The remaining proteins are whipped into strong air peaks and also introduced into the curd mass. Combine it with the cooled rice, mix 300 g of crushed dried fruits and 5 ml of vanilla extract. You can add dried cherries or cranberries here — the taste will be even more interesting. We lubricate the oval ceramic form of Toscana with butter and fill it with curd-rice mass. Due to the smooth deep heating of the ceramic, it will bake evenly, retaining a delicate texture and a pleasant soft taste. This casserole is prepared in the oven at 170°C for about 40-45 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle it with powdered sugar — and the family will definitely not resist.

Charlotte in a new way

Запекаем правильно: 5 вкусных и полезных блюд от Юлии Высоцкой

Fruit and berry charlotte is a great treat for tea. Cut a large hard pear into slices with the peel and pour the juice of ½ lemon. Melt 175 g of butter in a saucepan, pour in 300 ml of cream 20%, stir thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs and 170 g of sugar in a blender with a whisk in a fluffy light mass. Continuing to beat, we introduce cream with butter and ½ tsp. vanilla extract. In several steps, pour 300 g of flour, knead the liquid dough. Last of all, add a handful of walnuts, slices of pear and 4 handfuls of thawed blackberries. Instead, you can take any other fruits and berries. We grease a round ceramic form of Toscana with oil, spread the dough and put it in the oven for 50 minutes at 190°C. Ceramics create an optimal temperature regime, thanks to which the sponge dough is well baked inside, it turns out to be airy and does not settle. Sweet tooth will appreciate such an exquisite surprise.

Ceramic baking pans “Pilot MS” from the branded series “Eat at Home” — an invaluable find for everyone who loves to cook. With their help, you will discover the taste of familiar family dishes from a new side and make them much healthier. They will become a unique table decoration on weekdays and holidays.

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