Bream fishing is usually carried out at relatively large depths, from 3 meters in the current, less often on lakes and ponds. In shallow water, you can catch this fish only in spring, during spawning. One of the most important conditions for successful fishing is the presence of bait; donks and feeder tackle are most often used as gear. The most popular and common among fishermen is millet bait for bream, its proper preparation has several important nuances that must be taken into account.
Porridge consistency
Before you cook millet, you need to decide how bream fishing will be carried out – from a boat to a float rod, an onboard donut, with a ring, from the shore to a feeder, or to a donut with a spring (“nipple”). The consistency of the cooked porridge depends on this:
- When fishing on a donk, casting is carried out much less frequently than on a feeder tackle. Therefore, a rather sticky paste-like mixture is needed here, which will stay in the spring (feeder) for a long time, and at the same time not wash out very quickly.
- For a feeder, a more crumbly mixture is more suitable, which sticks together when compressed and collapses gradually when it enters the water. Thus, a mixture of millet porridge with other components will form a fodder spot at the bottom at the casting site.
Porridge should be cooked in a special way so that it can withstand long-range casting and lowering to a sufficiently large depth, and only after that it breaks up.
The composition of the mixture
When analyzing how to cook millet for fishing for bream, it is necessary to understand that the feed fraction must necessarily contain larger particles. This is necessary in order to keep large fish in the fishing area. As such additives, it is recommended to use the following ingredients:
- pearl barley;
- peas;
- corn;
- ground sunflower seeds or cake;
- chopped worms, maggot, bloodworm (the latter is mainly used if fishing is carried out in spring or winter from ice).
The preparation of boiled millet for bream is carried out in several stages.
- 1) Cooking porridge.
- 2) Mixed with a dry additive, which is a finely dispersed base (clay, earth) in a ratio of 40% to 60%.
- 3) Adding flavors.
- 4) Bringing to the desired consistency.
The choice of flavoring substances should be made taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir and the time of year. For example, for bream fishing in the cold season – early spring, winter and late autumn, it is more efficient to use dill seeds, fennel, coriander, and in the summer heat, sweeter flavors – lavender, vanilla, anise, strawberries, and so on.
How to cook crumbly millet-oatmeal
We will analyze in more detail how to cook millet for fishing for bream on a feeder. If you plan to fish on feeder gear, then millet porridge should be cooked in such a way that after mixing with a dry base and flavors, the finished mixture is quite loose, and at the same time it is well molded in your hand. This is necessary so that it does not lie in a lump at the bottom, but breaks up into small lumps in the water. Here you need to take into account the depth and strength of the current. The larger they are, the more sticky you need to cook millet for bream.
Checking the consistency is very simple, for this, you need to squeeze a handful of the mixture in your hand, as a result, a lump that does not crumble should form. But when pressed on it, it will disintegrate into relatively small particles. With frequent and accurate casts, a well-fed place is formed, which will surely attract large fish.
Proper preparation of millet porridge in a spring
To understand how to cook millet for feeding bream into a spring, you need to know that it must be very sticky, almost plasticine-like. For this, semolina is often added to it. It is recommended to do this during the cooking process, adding a little, with constant stirring. Such a “mastyrka” can also be perfectly used as a nozzle for fishing on a float tackle.
A few secrets of the correct preparation of millet for bream
In order for the bait to turn out right, you need to follow a number of rules:
- boil millet in plenty of water;
- slightly do not cook porridge;
- add flavors in small quantities, but be sure to take into account the presence of other fishermen in the neighborhood and their number (the more there are, the more flavorful the bait should be prepared).
Some people use this cooking method: millet is poured into boiling water and boiled for 1-2 minutes, after which almost all the water is drained (very little remains and unrefined sunflower oil is added 70-100 grams per kilogram). Then the porridge is covered with a lid and reaches the desired state.
Process completion
It is recommended to complete the preparation of the right porridge for bream already at the place of fishing. To do this, you need to squeeze the mixture in your hand and the formed lump should be lowered into the water and watch it. If it is planned to catch at a relatively shallow depth and a weak current, then the lump of the mixture should begin to disintegrate almost immediately. For catching fish in strong currents and great depths, millet should be cooked steeper and stickier, and should disintegrate in water no earlier than after 1-2 minutes.
You can adjust the viscosity of the feed for bream using bonding and loosening components, such as breadcrumbs, finely ground oatmeal, cake, and so on. There are many videos on the Internet that show how to cook millet for bait for bream, for various fishing conditions. Whatever cooking recipe is chosen, it is necessary to choose the most suitable option experimentally, since what is good for one place may not work well in another. There is no universal recipe, but there are general rules.