Baileys liqueur: 5 recipes at home

To begin with, let’s moderate our ambitions: let’s not appeal to big names and global brands. Otherwise, you and I risk finding ourselves in a very awkward situation. In the years of carefree youth and dissolute youth, Vzboltai, like you, believed that you could easily make homemade Baileys by mixing vodka with condensed milk. But, in fact, everything turned out to be far from so simple.

learn more about Baileys

Tips before starting

To begin with, the question itself is “how to cook Baileys at home?” implies a negative answer. The Baileys liqueur recipe is the property of the beverage manufacturer: RA Bailey & co and is kept behind seven locks.

Further, the original liquor recipe involves the use of some purely Irish products, which the vast majority of do-it-yourself alcohol lovers are unlikely to be able to afford.

In addition, an authentic Irish drink does not contain any artificial preservatives, which cannot be said about most brands of condensed milk, which is an indispensable component of almost all the recipes below.

The strength of authentic Beilis is 17 percent by volume.

The conclusion suggests itself. If you need Baileys, go to the nearest trustworthy supermarket and get the coveted drink there. If you think that the current Baileys is no longer the same, then we will be happy to tell you how to make a very good cream liqueur at home, moreover, to do it in several ways.

The easiest Baileys recipe

Let’s start with the simplest option with condensed milk and coffee. As an alcohol base in this case, you can use good vodka, diluted food alcohol, Irish whiskey (for example, good old Jameson), as well as ordinary brandy or cognac.

List of ingredients

  1. Alcohol base (40-45 degrees) – 500 ml

  2. Condensed milk – 1 can = 380 g

  3. Cream (12-15%) – 400 ml

  4. Instant coffee – 1 tbsp. a spoon

  5. Egg yolks – 4 pcs

  6. Vanilla sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons

Method of preparation

Beat sugar, yolks and condensed milk thoroughly with a mixer. Add coffee and repeat the procedure (the coffee granules remaining in the substance will subsequently be easily dissolved by alcohol). Add cream and beat again. Add alcohol and use the mixer again. Pour the resulting homogeneous substance into bottles, cork them tightly and place in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

In principle, this rather primitive drink can be prepared without cream. If necessary, they can be replaced with full-fat milk. However, in this case, another 70-100 g of condensed milk should be added.

If you want to make something reminiscent of Baileys cream coffee, replace the condensed milk with condensed coffee. The same can be done with condensed cocoa.

We imitate nut Baileys

For a drink, the list of ingredients from the previous recipe, plus 25-50 g of grated roasted hazelnuts, will do.

Method of preparation

Infuse the alcohol base on hazelnuts for two weeks, placing it in a dry, dark place. After the expiration of the mentioned period, strain the liquid through a dense cheesecloth. Next, follow the technology outlined in the previous recipe.

Cream liqueur without condensed milk

The main difficulty in preparing this drink lies in the ability not to overexpose its non-alcoholic component on the stove.

List of ingredients

  1. Cream (25%) – 1 l

  2. Vodka – 200 ml

  3. Irish whiskey – 200 ml

  4. Egg yolks – 4 pcs

  5. Powdered Sugar – 200 g

  6. Vanilla sugar – 10 g

  7. Instant coffee – 25 g

Method of preparation

Beat the yolks until foamy. Put a saucepan with cream on a slow fire. Gradually add powdered sugar, beaten egg yolks, vanilla sugar and instant coffee. All this must be continuously stirred until a homogeneous substance is obtained. At the same time, in order to avoid thickening of the yolks, the temperature of the contents of the pan should not exceed forty degrees. Remove the mixture from heat and cool to room temperature. Then, add alcohol to it and turn it into a thick foam with a mixer. Pour the result into a glass container, seal it tightly and refrigerate. The next day, the drink can be served at the table.

Homemade cream liqueur without eggs

By the way, eggs are not used in real Baileys either.

List of ingredients

  1. Brandy or cognac – 200 ml

  2. Cream (15-20%) – 1 l

  3. Condensed milk – 400 g

  4. Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon

  5. Instant coffee – 2 tbsp. spoons

Method of preparation

Whip cream with condensed milk using a mixer. Continuing to beat the resulting substance, gradually add sugar, coffee and brandy to it. Pour the finished mass into bottles, close them tightly and refrigerate for two days.

The best cream liqueur recipe

List of ingredients

  1. Alcohol base (40-45 degrees) – 500 ml

  2. Cream (10%) – 500 ml

  3. Egg yolks – 4 pcs

  4. Condensed milk – 380 g

  5. Instant coffee – 1 tbsp. a spoon

  6. Liquid caramelized sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons

  7. Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon

  8. Vanilla sugar – 40 g

  9. Ground ginger – 2 g

  10. Grated nutmeg – 1/3 piece

  11. Ground cinnamon – 1 pinch

  12. Ground oak bark – 1 pinch

Method of preparation

Pour honey, caramel, spices and 20 g of vanilla sugar with alcohol. Leave for four days in a cool dark place, then strain through a gauze-cotton filter. Beat cream with yolks with a mixer, gradually adding the remaining sugar, condensed milk, coffee and strained tincture. Bottle the result and send it to the refrigerator for a week for final ripening.

How long is home Baileys stored

The shelf life of corked homemade cream liqueurs with condensed milk, thanks to preservatives, reaches six months. If the drink was prepared without the mentioned product, it is better to use it within a week. Open containers, in both cases, are strongly recommended to be emptied immediately.

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to drink expired Baileys liquor (in the sense, real). In this case, the answer will be unconditionally positive. In particular, they even say that RA Bailey & co employees often take expired products home.

How to drink Baileys

Any cream liqueur, including homemade, can be consumed in several ways.

  1. In pure form: a drink at room temperature (with a couple of ice cubes if desired), from conical liquor glasses (25-50 g), at the end of the meal.

  2. Add to unsweetened black coffee or hot chocolate.

  3. Mixing with stronger drinks: whiskey, vodka, brandy, rum or gin.

  4. As a component of numerous cocktails that do not contain any juices, carbonated and mineral drinks (otherwise, the cream will curdle corny).

What to eat cream liqueur

Since we are dealing with a sweet digestif, an appetizer for it should belong to the category of desserts. Accordingly, the best answer to the question: “with what to drink Baileys drinks?” sweet fruits and berries, fruit salads, ice cream, marshmallows, sweet cottage cheese, peanuts, cookies, chocolate and other similar delicacies will serve.

The main thing is not to forget that the sweetness and softness of cream liqueur has nothing to do with its strength, so it should be drunk in moderation and a little bit.

Relevance: 07.02.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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