Bags under the eyes – how to get rid of them effectively? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Some of us ignore them because you know, youth is not forever, and genes are genes. Others are trying to do something with them. Bags under the eyes can keep you awake at night, so it’s worth finding out where they come from and what you can do with them.

Bags under the eyes – what are they?

The bags under the eyes is it mild swelling under the eyes which usually appears with age. They occur when weakened and sagging skin under the eye loosens to form a pouch. The fat pads under the eyes slide together to fill the resulting space. Excess water in the body can also accumulate there, making the lower eyelids look even more swollen and swollen. Dark circles and discolored skin under the eyes make bags under the eyes more visible.

Unattractive eye bags are primarily a cosmetic issue and are usually harmless. But sometimes they can be a sign of a serious illness. Most of the bags under the eyes are more noticeable in the morning, when the accumulated water in the body has all night to flow into this area.

To reduce the visibility of bags and shadows under the eyes, try Bioherba’s Rejuvenating Eye Cosmetics, which includes: Eye Cream and Eye Serum.

The causes of bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are sometimes independent of us. They appear because we inherit them in our genes. More often, however, they are the result of aging, because with age the tension in the eye’s circular muscle becomes weaker and the amount of collagen and elastin. There are also more prosaic reasons for the occurrence of bags under the eyes. These include an inappropriate, unsanitary lifestyle. In short, it is about e.g. too few hours of sleep, tiredness, incorrect diet with deficiencies of vitamin K and iron (e.g. high in salt), abuse of cigarettes and alcohol, as well as too intensive and too frequent use of sunbathing and solarium. In addition, bags under the eyes are also the result of water retention in the body. It, on the other hand, results from diseases of the heart, circulatory system, kidneys as well as allergies, anemia, diabetes and hypothyroidism.

For puffy eyes, dark circles and bags under the eyes, we recommend:

  1. Richevon Eye anti-wrinkle eye cream,
  2. Multifunctional cream for the eye area Izoze Eye,
  3. Garisell Eye cream for swollen eyelids,
  4. Cream for shadows under the eyes Lusime,
  5. A serum for dark circles and puffiness under the eyes in the Punica roll-on.

You can buy cosmetics at attractive prices on Medonet Market.

See also: Smoking is a disease!

A remedy for bags under the eyes – a change in lifestyle

Despite the fact that there are countless products on the market that are designed to help reduce bags under the eyes and brighten the eye area, they do not always work. Drinking plenty of water and applying a cold compress (e.g. ice cubes wrapped in a towel) can help you quickly reduce eye bags. However, the only way to effectively reduce their appearance in the long term is to make a few lifestyle changes:

  1. take care of the right amount of sleep (6 to 8 hours of sleep a day),
  2. sleep with your head raised a few centimeters (on a higher pillow) so that excess water in the body does not accumulate around the eyes.
  3. give up stimulants (cigarettes, alcohol),
  4. women should take care of thorough eye makeup removal before going to bed,
  5. avoid bedtime fluids and salt
  6. control allergy symptoms by taking appropriate medications.

Read how important sleep is for humans

Do you have bags under your eyes? Do you want to regenerate your skin? Try the Orientana natural silk and Kaskarilla eye mask or the Orientana natural silk eye mask with Japanese cherry available at Medonet Market at attractive prices. To get rid of bruises and swelling around the eyes, it is worth using Oleiq damask rose hydrolate. Relief for tired eyes will be brought by compresses, e.g. made of firefly herb. You can also buy firefly herb in sachets at Medonet Market.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes – methods to do at home

There are many ways to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes and to get rid of the associated puffiness. You can apply a compress from tea bags, a cold compress or green cucumber slices. Here’s how to get rid of bags under your eyes easily:

Compress from tea bags – after drinking tea, do not throw the tea bags into the trash. Thanks to the caffeine contained in tea, which is a strong antioxidant, it can increase blood flow under the skin’s surface, thus relieving puffiness under the eyes and puffiness. In addition, it protects against UV radiation and potentially slows down the aging process. Green tea is especially recommended because it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

A way to prepare a compress from tea bags:

  1. dip two teabags in hot water and let it brew for 3 to 5 minutes,
  2. after brewing, put the tea bags in the fridge to cool them for about 20 minutes,
  3. after this time, take them out of the refrigerator and squeeze them out to get rid of the extra water,
  4. apply to the eye area,
  5. let the tea bags sit for 15 to 30 minutes.

To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, it is worth reaching for the B-Looky Sonic Eye Massager. You can buy the device at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Cold compress – applying a cold compress around the eyes helps in quick contraction blood vessels in that area. For this purpose, you can use special cold compresses available in pharmacies or prepare them yourself. For this purpose, you can use ice cubes wrapped in a cloth, a cold teaspoon or even frozen food taken from the freezer (of course, wrapped in a cloth). A few minutes are enough for the effect to be visible.

To improve skin condition and reduce bags under the eyes, try the D’Arsonval Cosmetic Face Multifunction Device.

The use of antihistamines – allergy can cause swelling under the eyes, reddening and itchy and watery eyes. If only such symptoms occur and you know that it is caused by an allergic reaction, take the antihistamine drug prescribed by your doctor in advance.

Apply an eye cream with retinol – cream containing retinol is designed to replenish collagen deficiency in the eye area. Preparations containing low-concentration retinol are available as OTC products, but stronger creams require a prescription from a dermatologist. Retinol is usually applied to the skin once a day, about half an hour after washing your face.

To make the skin glow, it is worth reaching for Camomile Water – a mist for the face and body.


Don’t use retinol creams or take extra vitamin A if you are pregnant.

Use lightening products – skin lightening creams contain an ingredient called hydroquinone. This ingredient interferes with the production of melanin in the skin, thanks to which the shadows and bags under the eyes may be reduced. Many over-the-counter creams, gels, and lotions contain 2 percent hydroquinone. Higher concentration creams can only be obtained with a prescription issued by a dermatologist. You must use the hydroquinone product on a regular basis in order to achieve lasting effects. Among the lightening products, there can also be mentioned preparations with azelaic acid.

Kit lightening discoloration on the skin LIGHTEN! you can buy it at an attractive price on Medonet Market. Also try the Bye Eye Bag FEEDSKIN Eye Serum for everyday use, which contains hyaluronic acid.

It is important to remember to use products containing this ingredient only at night. In addition, dryness, irritation and an allergic reaction may occur – then discontinue use of the product.

In the fight against bags under the eyes, it is worth using kinesiotaping. Buy now at Medonet Market Kinesiotaping tapes for face – Cure Tape Beauty and enjoy the effects of the therapy.

You should also take care of the daily care of the eyelids and eyes, using appropriate cosmetics. At Medonet Market you can buy, among others FLOSLEK brand preparations, eg Eye and Eyelid Serum with skylight and caffeine or Eye and Eye Gel with skylight.

See also what is collagen to drink

Bags under the eyes and make-up removal

It is very important to always remove makeup from face and eyes before going to bed. If the mascara is not washed off, it can cause it irritation, allergic reaction and even infectionwhich will cause redness and swelling, and so on and bags under the eyes. Moreover, frequent sleeping with makeup causes premature aging of the skin and, consequently, the appearance of wrinkles.

Take care of proper make-up removal with EPTA CREME cleansing preparation for dry and dehydrated skin.

Are you curious to know who wrinkles appear earlier, read: Wrinkles appear earlier in white women

Bags under the eyes and stimulants

Smoking tobacco depletes vitamin C in the body. It is responsible for the formation of collagen affects the proper appearance of the skin. Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of bags under the eyes, dark circles, discoloration and delay the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Drinking alcohol is also a factor in the appearance of bags under the eyes. Large amounts of drunk alcohol cause dehydrationAs a result, dark circles and bags under the eyes quickly appear.

See what are the symptoms of dehydration in the body

Bags under the eyes and diet

As the body ages, the muscles and tissues that support the eyelid weaken. This means that the skin around the eyes becomes saggy. Increasing the intake of vitamin C may result in greater absorption of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid occurs naturally in the body, but its amount decreases with age. Foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can help produce collagen and increase the levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Here is an example of foods that are rich in vitamin C:

  1. citrus fruits, mainly oranges,
  2. Red pepper,
  3. kale,
  4. Brussels sprouts,
  5. broccoli
  6. strawberries.

At Medonet Market, order freeze-dried strawberries by weight, available in packages of various capacities.

In addition, consuming too much salt can cause bags under the eyes. Salt contributes to the retention of water in the body and, consequently, causes puffiness under the eyes.

Read when it is worth doing hyaluronic acid treatments

Bags under the eyes and UV radiation

You do a lot to protect your body from sunlight. Are you doing the same for your face? Too much sunlight (UV radiation) may cause sagging or wrinkling of the skin around the eyesand, consequently, bags under the eyes. Use sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect your face from harmful radiation.

For bags under the eyes, we recommend FLOSLEK Brightening Eye Cream for couperose skin, which soothes puffiness and restores the skin’s even color.

Bags under the eyes – when to see a doctor?

Bags under the eyes are usually not a serious disease symptom. They are usually a purely cosmetic issue. However, when the bags under my eyesand appear for a long time, you feel pain, burning, itching and redness appears around the eyes, then see a doctor. They will want to rule out other possible causes that could be caused by bags under the eyes, including thyroid disease, infections, and allergies. Your doctor may decide to refer you to an ophthalmologist, surgeon, or eye plastic surgeon (oculoplastic surgeon).

  1. The ORIGIN PRO EGF-5 Eye Concentrate with growth factors, Sensilis Global Rejuvenating Treatment, will help you care for the delicate skin around the eyes. You can buy the cosmetic at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Cream for bags under the eyes

Cosmetics that we apply because of bags under the eyes should be light and fat-free. It is also good when gels and creams contain vitamins K and well as plant extracts of aloe, firefly, arnica or ginkgo biloba. Their role is to constrict blood vessels, improve skin tone, reduce swelling, and eliminate evidence that we are tired.

These preparations must be stored in the refrigerator. They should be applied in a really small amount. The best results will be achieved when we apply these creams before applying the cosmetic that we usually use for the day or night.

Do you want to improve the appearance of your skin under the eyes? We recommend UPGRADE Sensilis repair and lifting eye cream. You can also reach for the Plant botox in a fig opuntia roll-on, which can be used as an eye serum, reducing unsightly dark circles.

Bags under the eyes – laser therapy

We can also get rid of bags under the eyes or minimize them with the help of professional treatments. These in turn are carried out with the use of lasers. In such cases, the light beam stimulates the cells to rebuild very strongly. The blood vessels and skin tissues are strengthened, while the skin around the eyes looks healthier and regains its firmness.

Blepharoplasty – plastic surgery of the eyelids

Plastic surgery of the eyelids, also known as blepharoplasty, can smooth and tighten the skin under the lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty can also be used to treat swollen or drooping eyelids. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty for bags under the eyes is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia (in some cases general anesthesia may be used). Before the procedure, the surgeon marks the area under the eyes to indicate where he will make the incisions. Usually incisions are made inside the lower eyelid or under the eyelashes. After making the incisions the surgeon removes excess fat and extra skin. The desired result is smoother, “lifted” skin.

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