- Causes of bags under the eyes
- How to remove bags under the eyes at home
- Compresses and patches
- Gymnastics for the eyes
- Cosmetical tools
- 1. Toleran Dermallergo for the skin around the eyes
- 2. La Roche Posay Redermic R for eyes
- 3. Bioderma Sensibio Eye Cream-Gel
- Massage
- Medicines for edema
- 1. Diacarb
- 2. Hydrochlorothiazide
- 3. Suprastinex
- Hardware cosmetology
- Microcurrents
- Lymphatic drainage massage
- Photorejuvenation
- Fraxel
- Radio wave lifting (RF-lifting)
- Non-surgical blepharoplasty DROT
- Altera System
- biorevitalization
- Popular questions and answers
What causes bags under the eyes? The fact is that the skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and sensitive, because it has almost no subcutaneous fatty tissue. That is why bags, swelling and bruising under the eyes are the most noticeable problem of this part of the face.
Bags under the eyes can be both a sign of diseases of the internal organs and a cosmetic defect. At the same time, the look becomes tired, and the face looks painful. If you do not devote time to care procedures, then after 25-30 years, the first signs of aging may appear.
Together with a cosmetologist, we will understand the causes of bags and dark circles under the eyes and tell you how you can get rid of this problem at home.
Causes of bags under the eyes
Elastic, smooth and elastic skin under the eyes in adults is quite rare. Puffiness and bags under the eyes can appear at any age in both men and women.
The main causes of bags under the eyes1:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Cardiovascular and allergic diseases, chronic kidney disease, osteochondrosis and past viral infections lead to a violation of the water-salt balance.
- Excessive consumption of salty, fried, smoked or spicy foods, alcoholic beverages contributes to the stagnation of fluid in the tissues.
- Insufficient drinking regimen, due to which the natural processes of accumulation of fluid in the tissues occur in the body.
- Incomplete sleep.
- Age-related changes are a low concentration of collagen and elastin in the skin.
- Gravitational ptosis – with age, sagging of the skin in the eyelids and neck occurs.
- Overstrain of the eye muscles, which is especially true for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.
- Smoking, as a result – constant tissue hypoxia.
- Insect bites.
- Improper cleansing of the skin of the face and untimely removal of decorative cosmetics.
- Bust with moisturizing and nourishing creams, serums. Oversaturation of cells with moisture leads to swelling of the eyelids.
How to remove bags under the eyes at home
If bags under the eyes are constantly observed, then getting rid of them forever will not work. But if edema and swelling appeared due to violations of the drinking regime, due to crying or errors in the diet, then they can be easily dealt with at home.
Compresses and patches
There are several effective methods to remove bags under the eyes:
- contrast compresses – alternately cold and hot;
- compresses with frozen parsley juice, white cabbage, decoctions of sage, chamomile, calendula and frozen mineral water;
- vitamins (C, K, P) stimulate the natural production of collagen, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make the walls of capillaries elastic and strong, even out skin color;
- special patches and patches for edema;
- cucumber mask.
Gymnastics for the eyes
Special gymnastics for the eyelids will also help to remove puffiness under the eyes.
Here are some exercises:
- Make circular rotational movements with your eyes, first to the left, then to the right. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
- Keep your head straight, look up at the ceiling, then look down at the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
- Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
Cosmetical tools
Special cosmetics cope very well with bags and dark circles under the eyes.
1. Toleran Dermallergo for the skin around the eyes
Calming serum reduces puffiness of the eyelids, reduces discomfort associated with exposure to the external environment, constant work at the computer or wearing contact lenses2.
2. La Roche Posay Redermic R for eyes
Thanks to a renewing complex with retinol and caffeine, the cream reduces signs of aging and fatigue of the skin around the eyes, helps to cope with wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes.
The light texture of the fluid is easy to apply and does not cause allergic reactions.
3. Bioderma Sensibio Eye Cream-Gel
After applying the cream, puffiness under the eyes decreases, the skin becomes fresh and radiant. Moisturizing substances in the composition contribute to the intensive saturation of cells with moisture.
With swelling and overhanging of the skin of the eyelids, a gentle massage will help. Circular massage movements ensure the outflow of lymph into the vessels. The skin gains elasticity, bags and circles under the eyes are visibly reduced.
- With ring fingers, lightly pat the skin around the eyes in a circular motion;
- Start the massage from the upper eyelid, moving from the inner corner to the outer;
- Massaging the lower part of the eyelid, move in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye, and then follow in the opposite direction.
Medicines for edema
Edema occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces. In order to cope with excess fluid in the body, the expansion of the walls of blood vessels and their high permeability, diuretics and antiallergic drugs are prescribed.
1. Diacarb
It is used for mild and moderate edema of various origins (origin). It is safe as an edematous syndrome of mild or moderate severity, of various origins. Safe as an “ambulance drug” for adults and children from 3 years. The drug is dispensed by prescription.
2. Hydrochlorothiazide
It is used for edema that appears due to a violation of cardiovascular activity, as well as for edema in patients with hypertension. The drug is dispensed by prescription.
3. Suprastinex
It is prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis, accompanied by itching, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids.
It is important to remember that any medications can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, and before buying, you must familiarize yourself with the full list of contraindications.
Hardware cosmetology
With edema, bags, dark circles under the eyes, hardware cosmetology helps to cope. Its predecessor can be considered hardware physiotherapy, which is actively used in medicine. The optimal result is obtained by combining the methods of hardware cosmetology, pharmacy serums, creams and competent home care for the skin of the face and eyes.
A painless procedure during which tissues are exposed to low-frequency current pulses. Microcurrents improve local blood circulation, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Due to this, excess fluid is removed, and swelling is noticeably reduced.
Lymphatic drainage massage
A regular procedure of lymphatic drainage massage transforms the face. After the massage, swelling disappears, the complexion improves, a healthy glow appears, and the skin tone evens out. This is an effective way to improve skin condition and get rid of jowls, double chin and overhanging eyelids.
Photorejuvenation is a light or complex light-thermal effect on the skin of the face. The procedure activates the synthesis of collagen fibers, improves skin elasticity, and neutralizes congestion in tissues.
During the procedure, microscopic laser beams penetrate deeply and without damage into the skin, effectively eliminating wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. The course of procedures helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face for 5-10 years.
Radio wave lifting (RF-lifting)
Radiofrequency radiation helps fight age-related gravitational ptosis (sagging tissues). RF-lifting stimulates the process of collagen synthesis, makes the skin more elastic, smoothes wrinkles, removes bags and bruises under the eyes.
Non-surgical blepharoplasty DROT
This procedure is based on a combination of RF radiation and a fractional CO2 laser. With DROT blepharoplasty, bruises and scars on the eyelids do not occur, the natural section of the eyes does not change. The rehabilitation period is short.
Altera System
During the procedure, due to the directed ultrasonic action, the collagen fibers are compacted. The skin begins to tighten. There is a lifting effect without surgical intervention. As a result, it is possible to achieve visual rejuvenation of the skin, its sagging is reduced.
During the procedure, preparations are introduced into the skin that contain a complex of peptides, amino acids, hyaluronic acid and a number of other microelements. This “cocktail” is ideal for the prevention and correction of age-related changes in the area around the eyes.3.
It should be noted that all methods of hardware cosmetology complement each other. A cosmetologist, based on the individual condition of the skin, will offer a program to achieve maximum results.
Popular questions and answers
Do I need to see a doctor with bags under the eyes, as well as other popular questions answers dermatologist, cosmetologist Regina Kuznetsova.
Which doctor should I contact with bags under the eyes?
• endocrinologist – if a hormonal imbalance is detected;
• cardiologist – if edema is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, pain in the heart area;
• nephrologist – if diseases of the urinary system are detected;
• an ophthalmologist – if there is pain when blinking or touching the eyelids, there is redness, itching, burning;
• Allergist – if an allergic reaction is detected.
Can bags under the eyes be removed?
We can improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For example, collagen injections help create a “framework” and tighten the skin in this area. Hardware methods also cope well with this task. It is important that the cosmetologist has all the necessary modern knowledge and experience, pay special attention to this when choosing a clinic and a doctor.
Sources of
- On the issue of recurrent reactive eyelid edema. Russian ophthalmology online.
- Allergy seasons 2022 Science portal La Roche-Posay.
- Structural and functional parameters of facial skin before and after intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid. Russian journal of skin and venereal diseases.