Bag and feelings

How does a woman choose a bag? Does it look at the price or is it based on the current trend? What matters more – the color or the combination of the accessory with the clothes? Sometimes the behavior of a customer in a store can reveal her true nature. And it’s not just a matter of taste.

In ancient times, the physician and philosopher Hippocrates divided people into four types: phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine. Depending on the predominance of one of the “life juices” in the body, each type has received its own specific set of qualities that are manifested in literally everything – from the style of work and communication with people to the interior of the apartment and appearance. It is temperament that is responsible for our favorite color, texture and even size (it doesn’t matter if it’s a car or an accessory).

For example, phlegmatic people are calm by nature. Their decisions are always balanced, and everyday life is stable and measured. They do not strive for fashion trends, but prefer practical things, so they weigh and think about purchases for a long time. As a result, the phlegmatic, most likely, will get a dark-colored bag (black, dark blue, wet asphalt, gray) and classic form (trapezoid, rectangle).

According to psycholinguist and image coach Kira Feklisova, a phlegmatic person will carry a bag by the handle or on the crook of the elbow, because this is usually done by people with self-esteem and constancy of views: “For a phlegmatic person, it is important not to attract too much attention, not to provoke outsiders and not become the subject of discussion. In any circumstances, it is important for him to be good and correct. Therefore, no matter what happens, the bag will not change its shape. It will have many pockets and several compartments – so that everything is in its place, so that any item can be found without looking.

The rigid form and neutral color are a sign of constancy and poise of the phlegmatic. Therefore, the blue bag from the new collection of the Italian brand Eleganzza perfect for girls with such a temperament. With her, they will feel confident and comfortable, realizing that they look solid.

Cholerics, on the contrary, are distinguished by their energy and passion for change. They are waiting for the new fashion season, not having time to enjoy the current one, and change accessories every day. A girl with this temperament will most often walk with a red backpack or cross body. This color emphasizes her self-confidence and hints at serious acting potential. The freed hands will gesticulate violently, helping the fountain of positive emotions to come out.

“Inside the bag of a choleric person, there is always a creative mess, reflecting his inner world,” the expert comments. – And since such a girl has a lot of bags, she often forgets where everything is, and therefore prudently duplicates their contents. So a case with sunglasses, chewing gum, a couple of lipsticks, a comb and a travel card can be found in each.

Sanguine people are active, efficient and sociable individuals. They love to be the center of attention and in any situation they try to impress, using charisma and the ability to accurately guess trends. From the entire designer collection, they will choose only the brightest and most unusual – yellow backpack, an orange clutch or floral print bag. More important than color for a sanguine girl can only be the size of the thing – the largest of all possible.

“A sanguine person will carry a bag on his shoulder or behind his back, because he has such a heavy bag, and he always has a phone or a book in his hands,” explains Kira Feklisova. “This is what dynamic people do, who have a kind and cheerful nature, love to receive compliments, trust the world and live in the fast flow of change. A fashionable backpack on your back allows you to move faster and frees your hands for a lot of useful things: to take pictures of the world around you, to correspond in social networks or to make notes in a notebook … “

The last type proposed by Hippocrates is the melancholic. He is very impressionable and likes to dream about something bright and pleasant. Representatives of this temperament do not tend to stand out, but are very attached to things, especially shoes and accessories. Their option is minimalist and functional bags in noble colors: beige, blue, wine or camel. This is suitable for all occasions, because some especially touching memories are probably associated with it.

“The melancholic loves soft bags made of suede or delicate leather. They are nice to touch. They give a feeling of support. The melancholic will wear a bag on his shoulder, but unlike the sanguine, he will not try to free his hands for other things. On the contrary, he will often touch the bag with his hand, stroke it, checking his inner feelings and listening to himself. It will contain everything that is dear to his heart: a shabby book, his favorite ink, a notebook with proven recipes, a talisman for good luck and a box of monpensier for a good mood, ”explains the expert.

It turns out that the bag is not just a part of the image, but a mirror image of the human character. And so that this thing does not blurt out something superfluous, it makes sense to trust the designers of Eleganzza, whose many years of experience and impeccable taste are embodied in a new collection of exquisite accessories. Each bag model seems to tell its own story, where you are a guest star.

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