Badham’s white tarragon (Leucocoprinus badhamii)
- Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
- Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
- Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
- Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
- Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
- Family: Agaricaceae (Champignon)
- Genus: Leucocoprinus
- Type: Leucocoprinus badhamii (Bedham’s whitetail)
- Leucobolbitius buttons
- Mastocephalus buttons
Badham’s white-tailed mushroom (Leucocoprinus badhamii) is a fungus from the Champignon family, belongs to the genus White-tailed mushrooms.
The fruiting body of the Bedham’s Belonavoznik consists of a cap and a thin stem.
The cap is brittle, thinly fleshy, with fibers, covered with small scales on top. Along the edges, it is uneven, furrowed, very thin, and in old mushrooms it cracks. In some fruiting bodies of the badham whitedung, particles of the spathe can be seen on the surface of the cap.
The hymenophore of the fungus is lamellar. The plates included in its composition are very thin, arranged freely. Their color is predominantly white, sometimes it can vary to light gray-yellow. In mature fruiting bodies, the plates become red-brown (they can also acquire this color due to damage). Hymenophore plates are characterized by regular or mixed trama.
The leg of the Bedham Belonavoznik is located in the center of the cap, has a small thickness and a clearly visible ring below the cap.
The spore powder of the fungus is characterized by white, white-yellow or whitish-cream color. The spores themselves are colorless, have a germination time. There are cheilocystidia in large numbers.
Bedham’s white-leaf can be found in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses, parks, landfills, mixed, broadleaf and coniferous gardens.
There is no information on the edibility of Badham’s white dung beetle.
Badham’s white-carriers grow well on all continents of the planet, except for Antarctica. They are cosmopolitans.