Choosing the right variety of ornamental plant for your site is the key to a balanced and beautiful garden. Badan Galina Serova differs from her counterparts in the bright color of the leaves and a rather early flowering period. Ease of care and agricultural technology will allow even novice gardeners to easily grow it.


Badan Galina Serova is the only representative of its species that has a multi-colored leaf color. On a green leaf blade, yellowish-white blotches are unevenly scattered. The variegated color of bergenia is explained by the result of crossing several varieties. In one place, the bush is able to grow up to 8-10 years without a transplant.

Important! By the beginning of autumn, the leaves of Galina Serova acquire a yellowish-red hue.
Badan Galina Serova (Galina Serova): description of the hybrid variety with photos and reviews

A feature of this variety of bergenia is the two-color color of the leaves.

The height of an adult bergenia reaches 30-40 cm with a crown diameter of 40 cm. The beginning of flowering occurs quite early – in late April or early May, depending on the climatic situation. The elongated peduncle of a red plant reaches 40 cm in length. Badan flowers are pinkish-lilac, form small panicles.

Hybrid history

The variety got its name in honor of the Siberian researcher and breeder G. Serova. This type of bergenia was developed on the basis of Asian maternal varieties, taking into account the specifics of the climatic zone. As a result, the resulting plant has a 4th class of winter hardiness, which means that there are almost no problems with wintering at temperatures up to -34 degrees.

Galina Serova easily endures the hot summers of a sharply continental climate. Badan is quite tolerant of minor droughts, with sufficient drainage it easily survives prolonged rains.

Cultivation from seeds

Given the hybrid origin of the perennial, one of the most popular ways to breed it is to plant seeds. Long studies have shown an excellent percentage of germination of planting material by G. Serova. The only problem for a novice gardener may be the obligatory preliminary stratification – the process of long-term keeping of bergenia seeds at a low temperature. The algorithm for breeding Galina Serova with seeds consists of the following steps:

  1. In early December, prepare pots with a rich soil mixture. It is best to purchase land in hardware stores. Seeds are buried in the soil by 2-3 cm, planting up to 10 seeds for each small pot. Containers are stored in the refrigerator for 3 months at a temperature of up to 4-5 degrees.
  2. In the first days of March, the containers are moved to the windowsill in a room with a stable temperature of 18-20 degrees. The first shoots will appear in 3 weeks. They must be thinned out with scissors, removing the weakest and stunted sprouts.
  3. A month after germination, the bergenia sprouts are stopped by planting them in separate peat pots.
Badan Galina Serova (Galina Serova): description of the hybrid variety with photos and reviews

The bergenia variety G. Serov is characterized by excellent seed germination

As soon as the height of Galina Serova’s seedlings reaches 15 cm, they begin to harden – they are taken out into the open air for a few minutes. Gradually, the time of such walks is increased so that the plant is fully accustomed to the environment.

How and when to plant outdoors

In order for any plant to take root faster in a new place, it is necessary to clearly observe a few simple requirements. First you need to clearly choose the time of planting bergenia in open ground. It is also important to choose the right place in your backyard. Finally, you should follow the landing technology and make the bait necessary for the first time.

Important! Before planting the plant, it is necessary to check the weather forecast to exclude the possibility of returning frosts.

A prerequisite for transplanting bergenia Galina Serova into open ground is to establish a stable night temperature of at least 12 degrees. In the climatic conditions of the Siberian region, such a period begins in the first decan of June. In warmer areas, seedlings are rooted in the second or third decade of May.

Site selection and preparation

The correct planting site provides the plant with the necessary amount of sun. Variety Galina Serova does not belong to the photophilous, so it is better to root it in the shade or partial shade. The ideal place would be the north side of the house or garage. Badan feels great in the shade of larger ornamental plants.

Important! Best of all, bergenia of any variety grows next to astilba, iris and tiarella.

Pits for seedlings are prepared in advance – 2-3 weeks before planting in open ground. The diameter of the landing pits is about 20 cm, the depth is not more than 10 cm. The distance between the holes should be at least 30-40 cm.

Landing stages

Galina Serova is quite demanding on soil drainage. The soil should be light and loose. At the bottom of each landing pit, a 2-centimeter layer of small pebbles or broken bricks is poured. Such a layer will allow the plant to retain moisture in the future and be less dependent on the vagaries of the weather.

Badan Galina Serova (Galina Serova): description of the hybrid variety with photos and reviews

The soil around the badan is abundantly mulched with small pebbles or sawdust

Seedlings are rooted in a new place along with a clod of earth from separate pots. Planting is carried out so that the root neck of the bergenia is 1 cm below the soil level. Planting pits are filled with loose earth and tree trunks are immediately mulched to protect the roots.

Watering and feeding

The regular introduction of nutrients is the key to the health of the badan and its active vegetation. The first watering of G. Serova is carried out immediately after planting in open ground. Up to 5 liters of settled warm water are poured under each bush. To accelerate the engraftment of bergenia, you can use special growth activators – Kornevin and similar preparations. Further watering is carried out when the soil around the plantings dries up.

As top dressing for bergenia, it is recommended to apply complex preparations according to the instructions from the breeder. Potassium fertilizers are applied in autumn. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, flower beds are fed with organic compounds – mullein and bird droppings.

Diseases and pests

Given the hybrid origin of Galina Serova, it is easy to guess that the breeders tried to make the plant as invulnerable as possible to most diseases of related species. This type of badan is practically immune to fungal diseases. He also has good immunity from traditional pests of flower beds – slobber and nematodes.

The only serious problem for a beginner grower can be garden slugs and common snails. Most often they start up in too thick plantings of badan. They are also attracted to old blackened leaves. To get rid of garden pests, it is enough only to periodically thin out the plantings and remove dead shoots.


Given the rather miniature size of an adult plant, bergenia Galina Serova does not need traditional types of pruning – sanitary and shaping. The only moment when it is necessary to cut off a part of the plant is the period after the end of flowering. If there is no goal for the gardener to collect seeds for planting, the peduncle is cut off under the base as early as June.

Preparation for winter

Taking into account the excellent winter hardiness of G. Serov’s bergenia variety, you can not worry about maintaining its vegetative processes even in the most severe frosts. The plant will easily endure a drop in temperature to -34 degrees.

Important! Before the onset of cold weather, the leaves of the bergenia are cut off at the root, and the near-trunk circles are mulched.

In the case of cold winters with little snow, it is necessary to create an additional layer of mulch in order to preserve the root system of bergenia Galina Serova. Coniferous sawdust, peat or spruce needles are suitable for it.


Over time, the appetites of flower growers increase, they increase the area of ​​​​planting ornamental plants. Given the rather high prices in supermarkets for planting material, it is recommended that Galina Serova propagate bergenia on her own. The most popular methods include:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • collection of seeds for further planting.
Badan Galina Serova (Galina Serova): description of the hybrid variety with photos and reviews

The most popular way to propagate bergenia is to separate the root system.

The most popular method of breeding Galina Serova’s bergenia is the first method. It involves the breakdown of the root system of an adult plant into 5-6 parts, followed by their subsequent planting in open ground. This allows not only to save on planting material, but also to rejuvenate the perennial.


Badan Galina Serova captivates with her two-color crown and the simplicity of agricultural technology. Even an inexperienced gardener will be able to set up a luxurious flower garden by following simple tips for caring for a plant that is becoming more and more popular every year among summer residents and professional landscape designers.


Afanasy Shelepov, 35 years old, Omsk.
We are professional landscape designers. The bergenia variety Galina Serova is ideal for growing in the conditions of our region. The bush takes root easily and tolerates even the coldest winters without problems. Marketable appearance acquires in the second year after disembarkation. This type of bergenia is ideal for creating a rocky hill and as the front edge of a flower garden.
Vasilisa Andreichenko, 56 years old, Novosibirsk.
I have been growing bergenia all my life on my plot near the house. Over the past 10 years I have tried a large number of new varieties, but I really liked only Galina Serova. I am simply delighted with the bright color of the leaves and the sophistication of the buds. And how easy it is to grow from purchased seeds! About 20 bushes came out of a small pack.
Badan hybrid Galina Serova. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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