Badan from seeds: planting, care in the open field

Badan from seeds: planting, care in the open field

Badan is a strong, unpretentious perennial plant that will decorate a garden plot. His homeland is Altai, which means that the flower is used to enduring cold, heat and drought. Planting and caring for badan is not difficult, and there is a lot of aesthetic pleasure from contemplating large fleshy leaves and delicate multi-colored corollas.

How to grow badan from seeds and cuttings

Popular names for badan are Chigir, or Mongolian, tea, “elephant ears”, bergenia. The herbaceous plant pleases all summer with bright pink, scarlet, snow-white flowers, collected in lush inflorescences on long stems. It turns out a spherical cap, in which you can count about 120 pieces. small modest single flowers.

Planting and caring for badan is not difficult.

There are several ways to breed badan:

  • growing from seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the mother bush.

Badan seeds are small, no more than 2 mm. It is easy to grow a full-fledged plant from them, but the process is long. There are two ways: soil and seedling. In the first case, from the end of July to the beginning of September, the seeds are buried directly into the soil and watered regularly. With the onset of cold weather, the seedlings are covered with fallen leaves or straw and left for the winter.

In the second case, traditional, that is, seedling cultivation, is carried out. In February, the seeds are sown in boxes and put outside, under the snow. In March, they are brought into the heat so that the seeds wake up, and watered sparingly, but regularly. If you follow the technology, there is nothing difficult in growing badan from seeds. Planting and caring for seedlings are postponed to mid-July.

Badan is bred by seed, cuttings and dividing the bush.

It is very easy to plant the plant by cuttings. It is necessary to separate the rosette with 3-4 leaves and part of the rhizome and immediately plant it to a depth of about 3 cm. Cutting is carried out at least 3 weeks before the onset of cold weather, so that the plant has time to give roots.

The mother bush is divided into 4 or 5 parts. The roots are dried within XNUMX hours, then new bushes are planted in the soil.

Planting badan and caring for it in the open field

Hardened by the Altai climate, Badan prefers shaded areas and rocky soil. However, he still needs sunlight. If the plant is constantly in the shade, it will not bloom.

The ideal time for planting seedlings, seeds or cuttings in the ground is from late July to early August. Choose an area with natural drainage to avoid stagnant water. It is not necessary to enrich the soil, but it is very good to add sand or fine gravel to the soil. Do not make the distance between the holes less than 40 cm so that the perennial rhizomes have room to grow.

When planting, you can use the water method:

  • make large holes with a diameter of about 30 cm;
  • fill them with water;
  • lower the rhizome into the hole;
  • sprinkle with earth and tamp;
  • mulch on top, that is, sprinkle with sawdust or straw.

After such a planting, you need to water the plant after 7 days. Badan does not tolerate abundant watering, so you can not flood the roots. It is rarely necessary to feed it, no more than 1 time in spring and autumn.

For the winter, the bushes are not dug up, but they must be covered, for example, with spruce branches. It is not necessary to transplant badan; it has been living in one place for at least 10 years. True, after planting, it begins to bloom only in the 2nd year, which is associated with a long period of growth.

Badan will decorate a garden or summer cottage area with powerful greenery and lush inflorescences. The plant is unpretentious, easily propagates, requires minimal maintenance.

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