Badan Bressingham White is a lush plant with bright green foliage that immediately catches the eye in a flower bed. At the same time, it does not require special care, so even a novice gardener can grow it.


The evergreen herbaceous plant bergenia belongs to the Saxifrage family. He has another, unofficial name – “Elephant Ears”, which he received due to his large fleshy leaves.

One of the popular varieties is Bressingham White. The root system is well developed and located close to the soil surface. During the flowering period, long peduncles 20-50 cm high are formed with numerous glass-shaped buds. The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm, and the color, depending on the variety of bergenia, can be from white to rich pink-purple. Flowering begins in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, and lasts about 1,5 months.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

For bergenia, partial shade is preferable

With the onset of autumn, the leaves of the flower acquire a reddish color. The darkened leaf plates of bergenia, left after wintering, can be used to make aromatic tea, which has a number of useful properties. It is used to normalize pressure, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, cleanse blood vessels and stimulate the immune system.

Hybrid history

In the wild, bergenia can most often be found in Asia – it grows in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China, Altai and a number of other regions. Many varieties are found only in a limited area and are listed in the Red Book.

The interest of breeders in this flower arose in the 18th century. Most of the hybrids were obtained on the basis of wild-growing bergenia thick-leaved. As a result, botanists were able to develop specimens with more lush foliage and large flowers compared to the original plant.

The Bressingham bergenia variety, which was bred by English scientists and got its name in honor of the plant nursery in Norfolk County, where selection work was carried out, is no exception.

Sorta body Bressingham (Bressingham)

Hybrid badan “Bressingham” includes several varieties that are distinguished by their compact size and large dense inflorescences. The main difference between them is the color of flowers and leaves.


Variety “Bressingham White” (Bressingham White) – one of the most popular and often found incense planted in flower beds. Its height is about 30 cm. The deep green leaves form a dense rosette. The flowers are white in color and are collected in lush inflorescences. The flowering period is May-June. It has high frost resistance.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

‘Bressingham White’ flowers have bell-shaped inflorescences


Badan “Ruby” (Ruby) got its name due to the bright pink inflorescences and the color of the leaves – it is bright green in the center and turns red at the edges. The height of the plant is 35-40 cm. The rhizome is a thick aerial, about 1 m long. In early spring, vertical flower stalks appear, on which lush flowers bloom a little later. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

The Ruby variety feels most comfortable in slightly shaded areas.


Variety “Salmon” (Salmon) reaches a height of 25-35 cm. It has large leathery leaves that have a bright green color in summer, and by autumn they become purple-burgundy. Flowers salmon pink, arranged on dark red stems.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Bloom Bressingham Salmon begins at the end of April


Variety “Beauty” (Beauty) – a hybrid with a height of about 30 cm. Like other varieties of the variety, “Bressingham” prefers shaded areas with well-drained soil. The color of the petals is dark pink.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Flowering period Bressingham Beauty – May-June


Another not very common, but very beautiful hybrid is “Bantiful” (Bountiful). Its height can reach 40 cm. Flowers located on high peduncles have a pale pink color.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

The leaves of ‘Bantiful’ are dark green in summer and turn reddish in winter.

Cultivation from seeds

Growing bergenia “Bressingham White” from seeds is a simple process that requires compliance with certain rules. First of all, you need to know that plant seeds require stratification. To do this, the seeds are sown in specially prepared containers, sprinkled with a layer of snow and, if possible, buried in a snowdrift for 3 months or placed in a refrigerator for the same period (the temperature should not exceed 3 ° C). Growing seedlings from Bressingham White bergenia seeds includes several stages:

  1. In early March, the containers are moved from the refrigerator to a warm place. At a temperature of about +20 ° C, sprouts should appear within 20 days.
  2. After the formation of sprouts, they must be regularly sprayed, and in case of thickening, thin out by removing the weakest shoots with scissors.
  3. From the beginning of May, seedlings can begin to harden, taking them out into the open air, gradually increasing the time.

Badan “Bressingham White” is transplanted into open ground after the night frosts end, and the temperature at night does not fall below +12 ° C.

Landing in open ground

Bressingham White is a very unpretentious variety that can grow in almost any region of our country. At the same time, when choosing a place for its landing, one should take into account the climatic conditions of a particular area. If we are talking about arid regions, then a shaded area located under trees or next to buildings is best suited. When landing in the middle lane, where summer is rarely hot, a sunny place is also suitable. In both cases, an excellent solution would be the proximity of the plant to the reservoir.

Badan ‘Bressingham White’ grows well in light loose soil. This is due to the peculiarities of its root system – the rhizome is located near the surface of the soil, and due to its friability, it receives moisture and nutrients in the required volume. It is often possible to notice that the rhizome has come out, so the ground around the flower needs to be mulched, this is especially true in sunny, unshaded areas. At the same time, the composition of the soil for Bressingham White is not so important – moisture plays a more significant role, which should not be excessive.

Landing in open ground begins in June, when there is no longer a threat of night frosts. The seedlings are placed in pre-prepared holes 7-8 cm deep. Sand or pebbles can be poured into the bottom of the holes as drainage.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

After transplanting, bergenia must be watered abundantly.

Advice! Badan “Bressingham White” grows strongly in breadth, so the distance between the holes should be at least 40 cm.

For the first time after transplanting, flowers can be covered with non-woven material to protect them from wind and sunlight.


Caring for “Bressingham White” is very simple because of its unpretentiousness. It should be remembered that the flower does not grow well on overdried soil, therefore it requires regular watering.

The lower leaves that have lost their freshness should not be removed – they will help retain moisture in the soil and cover the roots close to the surface from drying out. If the leaves still spoil the appearance of the plant and you want to remove them, the soil around the bergenia should be sprinkled with mulch.

After flowering is completed in early summer, flower stalks are cut off if it is not planned to collect seeds. Under favorable climatic conditions, repeated flowering is possible at the end of summer.

Growing, bergenia “Bressingham White” densely covers the ground around with foliage. Therefore, there are practically no weeds near it, which means that weeding is not required.

There is no particular need to fertilize – with an excess of top dressing, the leaves begin to grow stronger, and flowering does not occur. The only exception may be a single complex top dressing after the end of flowering.

Badan “Bressingham White” does not respond well to transplants, so you should not transfer it without an urgent need. In one place, bergenia can grow well for more than 10 years. It should only be borne in mind that, growing in breadth, it can displace other plants from the flower bed. To avoid this, it is recommended to limit the area with stones or curbs.

Diseases and pests

Badan is a plant with strong immunity, so it practically does not suffer from diseases and all kinds of pests. The only and common problem is the invasion of snails and weevils, which can damage the foliage very badly. To prevent this, you should monitor the condition of the plant, and if pests appear, remove them in a timely manner.


By the end of autumn, before the onset of frost, old dead leaves should be removed – it is better not to cut them off, but to pull them out along with the cuttings. After winter, it is necessary to remove the dried foliage so that it does not interfere with the development of fresh.

After the end of flowering, if there is no task of collecting seeds, you can immediately cut off the withered inflorescences.

Shelter for the winter

Badan belongs to frost-resistant cultures and can easily withstand temperatures down to -30-40 ° C. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that badan can endure winter well only if there is snow. If a winter with little snow is expected, the roots of bergenia, which are located near the surface, may freeze. Therefore, it is better to take care of their shelter – dry foliage and spruce branches are suitable for this.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Badan leaves turn red in winter

If in winter the temperature does not drop below 10 ° C, it is not necessary to cover the badan.


Propagating Badan “Bressingham White” is very easy. There are several ways, among which you can choose the most suitable:

  1. Division of the bush – in spring or autumn, the plant is divided into several parts and seated in different places. This method is also very convenient because it does not allow the bergenia to grow and fill the entire flower bed. Such a division is recommended to be carried out periodically – once every few seasons.
  2. Root cuttings – the rhizome of “Bressingham White” is divided into several parts of 2-3 cm each and rooted in containers filled with a mixture of sand and peat. After the shoots appear, they are seated in separate pots.
  3. Cuttings – at the beginning of summer, rosettes with a part of the rhizome and a few leaves are cut off and rooted in the ground.
  4. Seeds – they need stratification, then they are planted in prepared containers. Seedlings are transferred to open ground in early spring, after the end of frost.
Advice! The most convenient methods are division and cuttings, because when growing bergenia from seeds, there is a risk that seedlings may lose some of the characteristics of the original plant.

Photo in the landscape

Badan “Bressingham White” and other varieties are great for decorating flower beds and garden plots. They look impressive both in a single landing and in a landscape composition.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Badan feels great in elevated sunny areas

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Badan grows well among stones

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Against the background of coniferous plants, bergenia will be a bright accent

“Bressingham White” is suitable for creating stepped landscape solutions, occupying the lower tier under the bushes. Due to its large lush foliage, it does not get lost near buildings and garden fences.

Badan Bressingham (Bressingham): varieties Salmon (Salmon), Ruby (Ruby), White (White)

Badan is in perfect harmony with hosta and ferns


Badan Bressingham White is an unpretentious ornamental plant that is great for decorating garden and house plots. It requires minimal care, it practically does not suffer from diseases and pests and tolerates even severe frosts well. At the same time, it looks great both in flower arrangements and when planted separately.

Badan hybrid Bressingham White 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings, seedlings of badan Bressingham White

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