Bad news for the s. Pharmacies may soon run out of drugs

Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine over three weeks ago is causing more and more international companies to suspend or at least limit their operations in the world’s largest country. Drug manufacturers are also among them. Such actions, according to experts, could have serious consequences for patients.

  1. Most pharmaceutical companies have significantly reduced their activities in Our Country. They mainly guaranteed access to life-saving drugs
  2. Some, such as Pfizer, also undertook to donate all profits from sales in Our Country to help Ukrainians
  3. Nevertheless, specialists believe that there may be problems with the supply of drugs to this country, because most of the drugs produced are based on imported ingredients
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Since the war began in Ukraine, many pharmaceutical companies have limited their activities in Our Country, but have not completely withdrawn from it. Eli Lilly suspended investments and clinical trials as well as the export of non-essential drugs there. Only medications for people for whom taking medication is necessary will still be provided, i.e. for cancer and diabetes patients. Novo Nordisk did a similar thing, which is known to manufacture drugs for diabetes as well incl. Merck & Co., Pfizer, Bayer, Novartis i Roche. Meanwhile, AbbVie, a well-known manufacturer of aesthetic drugs, has completely suspended its operations in Our Country.

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Patients in Our Country cannot remain without life-saving drugs

Companies gave up investments and clinical operations, but they ensure that they will do everything so that patients who use their products do not remain unassisted. Moreover, i.a. Pfizer announced that all profits from Our Country will be donated to support Ukraine.

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The reason why the pharmaceutical sector is not leaving Our Country entirely is clear. Medical equipment and medicines are considered essential for humanitarian reasons and are exempt from sanctions. Anant Bhan, a global health and bioethics researcher told Reuters that “Any step to suspend medical supplies, even for unimportant items, could end up with a deterioration in the health of patients in Our Country”.

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Supply and production problems may arise

Although access to the most important drugsin Our Country it is not closed, problems in their production and supply may soon arise. As reported by RNC Pharma, a research company based in Moscow, even 80-85 percent medicines made in Our Country depend on imported ingredients, and this is already a problem. Inhabitants, fearing supply disruptions and soaring prices, They panicked to buy medicines in pharmacies.

Until now, all the necessary medicines and ingredients were delivered by road, e.g. via Ukraine or by air. Neither of these options is possible at this time. Julie Swann, a professor of industrial and systems engineering at North Carolina State University, told The Wall Street Journal that she fears that there will be problems with pharmaceutical products in Our Country in the near future. It is possible that companies will be forced to use intermediaries and ship their products in a very roundabout way through India and China, which may additionally disrupt and delay production in Our Country or delivery.

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