Bad mouth odor? These could be tonsil stones

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Tonsil stones are small, white balls that do not endanger our lives. However, they can persistently hinder them because of their smell. Check how to deal with tonsil stones and unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Tonsil stones – causes

Tonsil stones are deposits of white dischargelying on the uneven surface of the tonsils. The tonsils are the body responsible for the production of antibodies, that is, supporting the immune system.

There are several types of tonsils:

  1. Palatal,
  2. Guttural,
  3. Trumpet,
  4. Lateral – located at the interface between the respiratory and digestive systems.

As a result of numerous bacterial and viral infections or inflammations, the structure of the tonsil may change from smooth to keratinized, with protrusions and concavities. Multiple inflammations can cause an excessive accumulation of white blood cells and lingering them in the imperfections of the tonsil. Additionally, food remains (in case of improper hygiene), bacteria, microorganisms, cholestin crystals and exfoliated epithelium may accumulate.

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Tonsil stones – symptoms

Tonsil stones are usually in the form of small (from 0,5 g), white balls. They can be seen when the mouth is opened. In extreme cases, they reach the size of a cherry. The smaller the stone, the less it is felt. Therefore, it happens that the only symptom is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, which does not disappear despite proper oral hygiene.

When the stones are larger they can cause:

  1. sore and red throat
  2. enlargement of the tonsils,
  3. scratchy throat
  4. difficulty swallowing
  5. feeling lingering in the throat,
  6. cough,
  7. ear pain.

Tonsil stones – treatment

Diagnosing stones is often done at home when they are just noticeable. They can also be noticed during a visit to the dentist, as they are visible on the X-ray image. An ENT specialist is a specialist in treating tonsilsthat is why it is to him that you should go when you suspect a disease.

Home treatment, albeit short-term, is to remove the arrears with a cotton bud. However, the patient should take into account that the method does not bring long-term effects, only temporary relief. The stones can regenerate within 1-20 days. When performing the procedure alone, there is a vomiting reflex caused by inserting a foreign body into the throat

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Specialists perform one of the following ways:

  1. Vaporization, i.e. laser treatment – is performed under local anesthesia, it consists in closing the crypts in the tonsils to prevent further stone build-up. The treatment itself is painless, but after the treatment the tonsils must regenerate, so their redness or enlargement may persist for several days. The treatment can also be performed with liquid nitrogen;
  2. Removal of tonsils, which is performed in extreme cases. The treatment is associated with consequences, i.e. reduced immunity, therefore it is performed in people with troublesome recurring stones or in those who grow to a very large size.

Always remember about proper oral hygiene. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with sage infusion or antibacterial lotions. This will help to overcome the specific smell.

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