Any person born on Earth is unique. Everything that mother nature gave him is so individual that even outwardly indistinguishable, genetically identical twins have behavior and character that are strikingly different.
Every person after birth, just like any creature on our planet, strives consciously and unconsciously to satisfy their own desires, physiological needs, create their own peace of mind, comfort in the environment. Even from infancy, the child instinctively, guided by his unconscious reflexes and reflexes gained with experience, performs certain actions that provide him with nutrition, physical and mental balance.
With age, some reflexes disappear as unnecessary, but new ones are acquired, which are necessary for later adult life. What exactly, in what capacity, behavioral reactions are developed in each individual depends on a huge number of factors.
Factors contributing to the emergence of bad habits
The following factors influence the emergence of habits, including harmful ones:
- upbringing, way of life in the family, own example of parents, adults;
- material, social level, environment in the house, team, on the street;
- the ability to interact with other people;
- the ability to independently cope with troubles;
- the individual’s attitude to life.
In the process of life, one has to solve many problems, to adapt to the prevailing conditions of reality, which cannot be influenced. And the incoming solution of problems is not always consistent with the interests of the person. There is a conflict, incompatibility of the interests of the individual and the environment, society, both at the physical level and at the psychological level. Each person has their own reactions and opportunities to get out of the current situation. They are based on the instincts of self-preservation, procreation, nutrition laid down by nature, but have already been corrected by society, the environment, and acquired life experience.
An individual, in order to get his physical, psychological balance, is looking for different ways. But if such situations are repeated, then the “way out” found becomes the most acceptable in the circumstances. It is used over and over again, and can turn into a bad habit at the level of a reflex, which provides a temporary solution to the problem without much effort on the part of the person. The desire to find the most optimal solutions in life situations disappears. Some habits can ruin life and health, deliver a lot of unpleasant moments for a person and others.
Types of bad habits
The variety of bad habits is quite large. Here are the most common ones:
- the use of alcoholic beverages;
- the use of narcotic, stimulating substances;
- smoking tobacco products, smoking mixtures (including: hookah, vape, electronic cigarettes);
- gambling addiction;
- intemperance in food.
- promiscuity.
There are also many other bad habits that cause many problems that initially seem harmless:
- irrepressible craving for shopping;
- dependence on social networks;
- workaholism;
- foul language, deceit;
- passion for hoarding;
- craving for extreme;
- coffee addiction, consumption of energy drinks, etc.
You can continue this list for a long time, but it is important to understand the main reason for all these human reactions in order to get rid of bad habits yourself, and, if possible, help others. Because the consequences of such ingrained addictions can be quite frightening.
Consequences of bad habits
Any action entails certain results. Bad habits can lead to violations, which in turn can further aggravate the situation:
- psychological complexes, dissatisfaction, conflicts in the family, at work;
- external unattractive changes in the appearance of a person (change in complexion, figure, gait, neatness in clothes);
- deterioration in health (acquisition of chronic neurological disorders, disruption of internal organs, degradation of personality);
- aging, reduced life expectancy;
- forced constant use of drugs, starting from a young age;
- regular financial spending on the implementation of their addictions;
- change in the environment and external conditions of stay.
Life is not easy, there are difficulties, circumstances that push you to take certain actions that are not always consistent with moral, ethical attitudes. But a person lives in a society that is necessary for his survival and development. Therefore, one has to adapt, to find a compromise between one’s own personality and the environment.
Ways to overcome complexes
Everyone has their own way of development, improvement. The ways of overcoming complexes, solving problems aimed primarily at maintaining one’s physical and psychological health, thus bringing benefits to the people around us, our Earth, are also individual. In the fight against bad habits can help:
1. Maintaining mutual respect, love, psychological comfort in the family.
2. Communication with people who are ready to support on the path of self-development.
3. Taking care of physical health: quality nutrition, sleep, activity.
4. Favorite activity, hobby, outdoor recreation.
5. Control your environment.
Human life is so short and flies by unnoticed. The consequences of some mistakes remain for life: from psychological complexes, conflicts in the family, at work, and ending with complete physical dependence, which destroys the body as a whole beyond recognition, leading to premature aging, infirmity, forced constant medication from a young age .
I would like to say in the words of a classic: “Life is given only once, and it must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years, so that the shame for the petty past does not burn” (Nikolai Ostrovsky “How the Steel Was Tempered”).
- Sources of
- – How Your Bad Habits Affect Your Health.
- – Alcohol’s Effects on the Body.
- – Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking.
- – Why Do We Stick To Our Bad Habits?