Bad breath? There is a way!
Bad breath? There is a way!Bad breath? There is a way!

Although the unpleasant smell from the mouth is usually the result of improper hygiene, the causes may also lie in dental disease or diseases of the digestive system. This second type of bad breath is called halitosis.

Halitosis it is nothing light and pleasant – people suffering from it are often ashamed of their breath, and their frustration grows. Although halitosis does not qualify as a disease, it can be a symptom of it. Few people know that in addition to neglecting oral hygiene, which is a common cause of bad smell, the cause may be laryngological problems, less often the digestive system, and most often the respiratory system, which include:

  • Pharyngitis,
  • Respiratory mycosis,
  • Bacterial inflammation of the tonsils,
  • Bronchitis,
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses,
  • tuberculosis,
  • bacterial angina,

The secretion that accompanies these diseases, remaining in the respiratory tract, causes bad breath. The less common causes include diseases of the digestive system, such as:

  • gastritis,
  • gastric and duodenal ulcers,
  • digestive system catarrh,
  • Gastrointestinal mycosis.

How to deal with bad breath?

If the cause is only in the oral cavity and improper hygiene, care treatments should be enriched with more thorough or longer brushing of the teeth (at least 2-3 minutes, preferably 3 times a day), the use of special mouthwashes and interdental flossing. There are also special brushes with a part intended for brushes available on store shelves brushing the tongue itself. If these treatments are unsuccessful, you should go to the dentist to check whether there are any more serious changes in the oral cavity, such as cavities, inflammation of the gums.

If the cause is diseases, apart from fighting the disease itself, it is also about giving up stimulants: quitting smoking altogether i limiting alcohol. It is also important to limit the consumption of sweets, sugary drinks that promote the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

There are home remedies as well breath freshening:

  1. Use special mouth deodorants
  2. Drink small amounts of water regularly
  3. Suck tablets that contain organic zinc and lozenges with thyme and menthol,
  4. Gargle with sage or chamomile
  5. Eat fresh parsley – it will neutralize the smell,
  6. Use antibacterial mouthwashes
  7. Have a pack of sugar-free refreshing mouth gums with you.

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