Bad breath of the dog

Bad breath of the dog

Bad breath in dogs: is it due to dental calculus?

Dental plaque and tartar are substances that are a mixture of dead cells, bacteria and residues that accumulate on the surface of the teeth. Tartar is mineralized dental plaque, which has become hard. This is called a biofilm. These are bacteria that form a colony on dental surfaces and make this matrix to attach themselves to it. They can then develop without constraint and without risk because they are protected by a kind of shell, the tartar.

Bacteria are naturally present in the dog’s mouth. But when they multiply abnormally or form their biofilm, tartar, they can create significant and deleterious inflammation in the gum tissue. Bad breath in dogs results from the multiplication of these bacteria in the mouth and the increase in their production of volatile sulfur compounds. These volatile compounds therefore generate the bad odor.

When inflammation and tartar develop the dog has bad breath. Over time, the gingivitis triggered by the presence of bacteria and tartar will worsen: the gums “get holed”, bleed and deep lesions, down to the jawbone, may appear. We are talking about periodontal disease. So it’s not just a bad breath problem anymore.

In addition, the presence of a large number of bacteria in the mouth can induce the diffusion of bacteria through the blood and risk creating infections in other organs.

Small breed dogs such as Yorkshires or Poodles are more affected by pie and dental plaque problems.

Dental plaque and tartar aren’t the only causes of bad breath in dogs.

Other causes of halitosis in dogs

  • The presence of malignant or benign oral tumors,
  • infections or inflammations caused by trauma to the oral cavity
  • diseases of the oro-nasal sphere
  • digestive ailments and in particular in the esophagus
  • general illnesses such as diabetes or kidney failure in dogs
  • coprophagia (dog eating his stool)

What if my dog ​​has bad breath?

Look at his gums and teeth. If there is tartar or the gums are red or damaged, the dog has bad breath because of the oral condition. Take him to the veterinarian who after checking his state of health with a complete clinical examination will tell you whether descaling is necessary or not. Descaling is one of the solutions to remove tartar from the dog and cure him of his bad breath. Scaling is an operation that consists of removing dental plaque from the tooth. The vet usually uses a tool that creates ultrasound by vibrating.

Dog scaling should be done under general anesthesia. Your vet will listen to her heart and may do a blood test to make sure it is safe to do the anesthesia.

During scaling, it may be necessary to pull out certain teeth and possibly polish them to slow the reappearance of tartar. After descaling your dog will receive antibiotics and it will be necessary to respect all the advice and tips for preventing the appearance of tartar recommended by your veterinarian.

If your dog has bad breath, but has other symptoms such as digestive problems, polydipsia, lumps in the mouth or abnormal behavior such as coprophagia, he will do additional tests to find the cause of the problem. ‘halitosis. He will take a blood test to assess the health of his organs. He may have to call for medical imaging (radiography, ultrasound and possibly endoscopy of the ENT sphere). He will administer appropriate treatment based on his diagnosis.

Bad breath in dogs: prevention

Oral hygiene is the best prevention for the onset of bad breath in dogs or periodontal disease. It is guaranteed by regular brushing of teeth with a toothbrush (be careful to go gently so as not to brush traumatic for the gum) or with a rubber finger cot normally provided with dog toothpastes. You can brush your dog’s teeth 3 times a week.

In addition to brushing, we can offer him a daily chewing bar intended to improve dental hygiene. This will keep him busy and take care of his teeth and prevent tartar buildup and the onset of periodontal disease.

Certain natural seaweed treatments are sometimes used to prevent bad breath in dogs and the appearance of tartar. Large kibbles that are hard enough to force the dog to bite into them are good solutions to prevent dental plaque from setting in (in addition to brushing).

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