Bad breath in adults
Fresh breath is not only a sign of health, but also of social status. A healthy smile is known to promote career growth and help improve your personal life. But an unpleasant smell … Why does it appear and, most importantly, how to get rid of it?

Doctors call this condition halitosis or halitosis – this term is found in foreign literature. Recently, due to the widespread use of concealers: mints, sweets and chewing gum, doctors cannot fully identify this symptom and evaluate it.

The relevance of halitosis as a diagnostic criterion cannot be underestimated, because it is a symptom of numerous diseases that develop in the mouth, in other organs and systems.

Causes of bad breath in adults

Halitosis can be physiological or pathological. But it is difficult for a non-professional to determine the fine line between these conditions, even doctors are forced to resort to some research methods. Therefore, when halitosis appears in adults, it should be considered as a sign of pathology. All causes of halitosis are conditionally divided into 2 large groups: those associated with dental diseases or internal organs.

Important! As statistics show, dental diseases are more often the cause of halitosis. Moreover, a causal relationship with age can be traced. But regardless of this, among the main reasons is poor oral hygiene.

Causes concentrated in the oral cavity. Due to poor-quality cleaning, plaque accumulates on the surfaces of the teeth – the cause of the development of caries, inflammatory gum disease. Satisfactory hygiene means cleaning the teeth and the surface of the tongue, where bacteria and fungi, small food debris accumulate.

In patients with weakened local immunity, for example, due to a multiple form of caries, smoking and chronic diseases, taking certain medications, unpleasant halitosis is formed due to stomatitis, that is, inflammation of the oral mucosa. Stomatitis develops against the background of infectious diseases, but as soon as the disease passes, the smell disappears.

Violations of the composition and properties of saliva, as well as dry mouth (xerostomia) is another possible cause of halitosis. Saliva is a protector of the oral cavity, provides saturation of the enamel with minerals, has an antiseptic effect and inhibits the growth of bacteria that produce odorous volatile compounds.

Dentists can assume a particular diagnosis only by the characteristics of the smell, this is an important diagnostic criterion, especially when it comes to the treatment of complications of caries – pulpitis and periodontitis.

In 70% of pregnant women, special forms of inflammation develop during pregnancy – gingivitis and periodontitis of pregnant women. It is not the activity of pathogenic bacteria that triggers the reaction, but hormonal changes. Bleeding gums along with an unpleasant odor are the first and obvious signs of pathology.

Causes not related to the oral cavity. Sometimes the causes of halitosis are “hidden” in the internal organs. The oral cavity is part of the digestive tract, and all organs of this system are distinguished by morphological unity. Therefore, the causes of halitosis may be hiding here. When examining, it is necessary to exclude gastritis, intestinal diseases.

Often the source of an unpleasant odor is hidden in the ENT organs, namely the sinuses. Moreover, the air exhaled from the mouth and nose is stained. It is known that with chronic tonsillitis, breathing can remain unpleasant for a long time, even without exacerbations.

Symptoms of bad breath in adults

The smell from the mouth has different colors, which are of great diagnostic value. For example, a putrid, sour smell indicates diseases of the oral cavity – caries and its complications, as well as poor hygiene of the cavity, especially in the presence of braces and prostheses of great length.

Halitosis is combined with other symptoms that help to make a diagnosis: toothache, aphthae, swelling of the gums, fever, headache or sore throat, dyspeptic disorders, etc.

Treating bad breath in adults

Given that most often the cause of an unpleasant odor is hidden in the mouth, the dentist will deal with the treatment. Tactics is determined by the diagnosis.

Treatment of stomatitis. Local treatment is prescribed in the form of antiseptic gels, mouth rinses. In ulcerative forms of mucosal inflammation, anesthetic gels may be prescribed. In complex cases, antifungal, antiviral drugs or antibiotics are recommended. But the main thing is the normalization of oral hygiene.

Treatment of caries and its complications. The treatment of caries, and even more so its complications, depends on the clinical situation, but, as a rule, proceeds according to the following algorithm: preparation (drilling) of the carious cavity, if necessary, root canal treatment, restoration of the anatomical integrity of the tooth using filling materials or crowns.

Normalization of oral hygiene. Comprehensive oral hygiene is part of the treatment, a procedure aimed at removing dental deposits from hard-to-reach places where plaque often accumulates, mineralizes and becomes a stone. The same procedure involves saturation of the enamel with minerals (remineralization). If the source of bad breath is associated with pathologies of the internal organs, appropriate treatment is prescribed, depending on the cause. For example, if it is gastritis – normalization of nutrition, taking medications, etc.


The appearance of an unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth is a reason to consult a dentist. Examination will help to identify its source, whether it be caries or its complications, tartar. In the diagnosis, standard methods of visual and instrumental examination are used.

If no causes of halitosis have been identified in the mouth, the dentist gives a referral to a general practitioner.

Modern treatments

Medicine develops, new methods of treatment appear, more comfortable for the patient. Dental treatment is devoid of fear and pain, doctors will offer caries treatment without drilling. But! It should be started as early as possible, in the early stages, then the probability of treating caries without drilling is the highest.

With dental phobia (fear of dentists and dental treatment) and if the volume of treatment is large and complex, dentists can offer dental treatment in a dream. After the procedure, there will be no unpleasant and painful memories and sensations. And the dentist will have the opportunity to conduct a larger amount of treatment, as a rule, a complete sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out. In dentistry, such treatment is conditionally called “turnkey”.

How to get rid of bad breath in adults

Oral hygiene is a powerful tool for the prevention of all oral diseases without exception. In dentistry, there is a concept – controlled brushing of teeth. During this procedure, the dentist invites the patient to brush his teeth as he does at home. Teeth and gums are stained with a special solution, this can be a lozenge or a rinse solution.

As a result, soft (“fresh”) plaque is stained in one color, but long-term, turning into stone – in another, darker one. This procedure clearly shows the patient how well he cleans his teeth, which areas need to be paid attention to.

Analysis of errors occurs on a three-dimensional model. The dentist shows how to brush your teeth properly. The most suitable toothbrushes, pastes, flosses are selected, taking into account the characteristics of the oral cavity.

Studies show that controlled brushing is a method that improves oral health, reduces the prevalence and intensity of caries.

Prevention of bad breath in adults at home

This is a complex work that begins with a visit to the dentist. Where the scope of treatment and necessary measures are determined. You can get rid of bad breath at home by normalizing hygiene skills: brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening using a brush, paste, floss, tongue scrapers, etc.

Even if the cause of halitosis is outside the mouth, brushing your teeth can help hide symptoms and prevent complications.

Popular questions and answers

Halitosis is a problem at the intersection of specialties. And treatment can be done by a dentist, but other doctors are sometimes involved. About the features of halitosis in adults, alarming symptoms, we asked Dentist “TsNIIS and ChLH” of the Ministry of Health of Russia Natalia Rogova and pathophysiologist, immunologist Alena Paretskaya.

Halitosis – a sign of pathology?

Not always, there is also physiological halitosis, which is formed due to nutritional characteristics. For example, onions, garlic, spices, smoked meats are the cause of persistent bad breath that does not disappear even after brushing your teeth.

A variant of the norm is congestive breathing, which forms in the morning in adults who breathe through their mouths for various reasons. But the main condition is that bad breath disappears after brushing your teeth. Its appearance can be explained by a physiological decrease in saliva production, due to which a number of bacteria that normally live in the mouth begin to multiply actively. And in the course of their vital activity, they emit volatile compounds that color the breath.

What odors from the mouth in adults can be considered alarming symptoms?

Shades of bad breath are the main diagnostic criterion. In addition to putrefactive, a specific smell, for example, of acetone, may appear, indicating ketoacidosis, when insulin levels are very low and the body begins to use body fat for energy. In response, ketones are formed, which in high concentrations become a poison.

Ketoacidosis is a serious condition that poses a threat to health and life. Your breath may smell like urine, a warning sign of serious kidney disease. The appearance of a fishy smell from the mouth indicates a violation of the metabolism of amino acids. Liver smell – evidence of hepatitis.

The appearance of specific odors from the mouth is a reason to seek medical help, and if other accompanying alarming symptoms appear, it does require calling an ambulance. Although, fortunately, such symptoms are rare.

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