Bad breath: how to get rid of it? Video

Bad breath: how to get rid of it? Video

There are foods that benefit the body: garlic, onions, foods that are high in protein. However, they cause bad breath. You can get rid of these unpleasant consequences using the following methods.

Ways to eliminate bad breath

Eating healthy foods such as onions and garlic can leave you with an unpleasant odor in your mouth. Food particles can be trapped in the spaces between the teeth, releasing sulfur compounds. They react with bacteria in the mouth to create odor. A large number of unpleasant-smelling substances, these bacteria secrete after eating proteins (fish, meat, seafood, etc.).

To prevent unpleasant odors, it is recommended to eat food with onions and garlic twenty minutes before the main course.

Bad breath should not be an excuse for rejecting foods that benefit your body. There are several ways to get rid of it. If possible, it is best to brush your tongue and teeth after eating. In this case, it is recommended to use a paste containing antibacterial substances (cetylpyridone chloride or chlorine dioxide), which perfectly eliminate anaerobic bacteria and, accordingly, odor.

During the cleaning process, you must carefully remove food debris from the space between the teeth. Be sure to brush the surface of your tongue with a toothbrush or tongue brush to get rid of the bad odor more effectively. Clean it by lightly pressing on the surface. Start brushing from the farthest areas, then gradually move the brush strokes towards the front of the tongue.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth, you can use the following methods to eliminate the unpleasant smell of garlic or onions from the mouth:

  • eat a few almonds, walnuts, or pine nuts
  • drink a glass of milk,
  • you can chew a little citrus zest, for example, lemon,
  • chew some fresh cardamom seeds.

After eating food containing protein, immediately rinse your mouth with warm water and then eat some parsley leaves. This plant destroys bacteria in the mouth, preventing unpleasant odors.

To identify bad breath, you can take a special test. Take a clean spoon and sweep the convex side over the surface of your tongue. Saliva and a white coating will remain on it. Smell the spoon after a few seconds, the smell you will smell will be the smell in your mouth.

A bad breath test can be performed using a device. The device evaluates the freshness of breath on a five-point system

The second way to detect bad breath: lick your wrist, wait a few seconds. Smell it, what you smell will be the smell from the mouth. You can also fold your palms in a boat and breathe in them; bad breath in this case can be felt immediately.

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