Bad breath? Here are three effective methods to help you find out where the problem is

Fresh Breath Day, celebrated on August 6, is an occasion to consider whether our smell from the mouth is not unpleasant for the environment. Turns out there are ways to find out for yourself!

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As experts admit, patients most often find out about the problem of bad breath from someone.

– There are people who come to the office because of this particular problem and say that they were sent by partners, partners or colleagues who had an unpleasant smell from their mouths disturbing their everyday relationships. Bad breath is also noticed by people who come, for example, with a sore tooth, loose prosthetic work or tartar. Any of these problems can cause bad breath, explains the drug. stom. Monika Majczyk, dentist from the LUX MED Dental Center.

As the expert adds, there is also a group of patients who have a sense of bad breath, but after verification in the dentist’s chair, it turns out that there is no problem. However, there are simple ways to make sure that there is anything to worry about on your own. As the drug advises. stom. Monika Majczyk, each of the “tests” should be carried out about two or three hours after eating.

Method 1 – by thread to … a bad smell

The first way to check for bad breath is thorough teeth extraction. It is best to use a non-waxed, odorless floss. After this treatment, you just need to smell the thread and check if its smell is unpleasant. If this is the case, poor interdental hygiene may be the cause of bad breath.

The rest of the text below the video.

Method 2 – on tongues

You will need a sterile gauze swab for the second “test”. Wrap it around your index finger and rub the back of your tongue towards the tip of your tongue. Here again you have to organoleptically check if the gauze smells unpleasantly – perhaps the cause of bad breath is not washing the tongue.

Not all patients know that their tongue should be washed. There are also those who know but don’t, because brushing their tongue makes them gag. The advice is a special tongue scraper, which I always recommend to patients, because it does not cause unpleasant sensations, and effectively removes contamination from the tongue – explains the LUX MED Group expert.

Method 3 – dry brush!

The third method is to brush your teeth thoroughly with a dry toothbrush – no toothpaste. After two or three minutes, check the smell of the bristles. This is because tooth decay is often the cause of bad breath. Healing “holes in the teeth” usually solves the problem of bad breath naturally.

What if, the problem is deeper?

It happens that patients, despite maintaining above-average oral hygiene, still complain of bad breath. Unfortunately, there are situations where the problem is literally deeper.

– Causes outside the mouth can be diseases of the esophagus, stomach, liver, and even diabetes or cancer. The majority of patients who have a problem with unpleasant odor from the mouth are people with ENT diseases, e.g. with chronic sinus or tonsillitis – lists the drug. stom. Monika Majczyk.

As she emphasizes, the first place where a patient with bad breath should go is certainly a dentist’s office.

– On the basis of an interview and examination, the dentist is able to help the patient – either on their own or by referring them to another specialist, most often an ENT or a gastroenterologist. I would like to emphasize that there is no need to delay the visit, because it is possible to solve this embarrassing problem – the expert encourages.

Proper oral hygiene is the best way to protect your teeth against unpleasant ailments and diseases. Reach for natural oral care products, such as hemp cosmetics. You will find them in Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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