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Food poisoning is a set of symptoms that appear after eating food containing a significant amount of bacterial toxins, originating from living or killed microorganisms. These symptoms are characterized by severe gastroenteritis, and the secreted toxins may even cause dangerous symptoms from the central nervous system.

Bacterial food poisoning

Poisoning is quite a common ailment that affects all of us (especially in summer). Very often we do not pay attention to the foods we eat, eating with taste, e.g. defrosted ice cream with a bacterial addition. Usually, bacteria that reach our stomach are fought by hydrochloric acid, which is a component of gastric juice. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes there are so many bacteria that poisoning is very common. Bacteria like heat and sun, so they often multiply in poorly stored food. The microorganisms that multiply in stale food products include mainly Salmonella, staphylococci, some anaerobes and streptococci. Poisoning with botulism (botulism) and anthrax is extremely dangerous.

These poisonings lead to acute symptoms of gastroenteritis. The released toxins can sometimes cause extremely serious symptoms in the central nervous system. It is worth supporting the treatment of bacterial infections with probiotics supplementation. Medonet Market’s offer includes the Azeol AB probiotic, whose natural composition restores the balance of the bacterial microflora and accelerates regeneration in the event of an infection.

In case of food poisoning, use herbal teas, e.g. based on blueberry fruit, which acts against diarrhea and supports digestive processes.

Bacterial food poisoning and Salmonella

Salmonella (paradura stick) is most commonly found in animal products such as milk, meat and eggs. This bacterium can also be transferred from product to product by flies, so remember to properly protect your food to minimize the risk of poisoning. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning usually appear about eight hours after eating contaminated food. Then patients begin to develop:

  1. headaches,
  2. stomach pain,
  3. high temperature,
  4. diarrhea.


Usually, in the treatment of this type of poisoning, it is recommended to consume medicinal charcoal (first 12 tabs dissolved in 1/2 glass of boiled water; then until symptoms disappear 6 tabs, dissolved every four hours) and a diet for several days. Smecta also has a good healing effect and is recommended to be taken three times a day. The doctor introduces an antibiotic when the symptoms persist after 3 days.

How to Avoid Salmonella Poisoning?

  1. before you put freshly bought eggs in the fridge – remember to infuse their shells for about 10 seconds;
  2. avoid eating moderately chilled ice cream or creams;
  3. avoid eating products that have been thawed and re-frozen;
  4. store your products well: keep meat, eggs, fish and raw meat away from ready-to-eat products;
  5. always buy meat from a reliable source;
  6. avoid eating tartare, because raw meat in combination with raw egg is a double danger;
  7. make sure that the food you eat is always well done and well done.

Food poisoning by botulism

The botulinum venom is a toxin produced by the bacilli Clostridium botulinum. We can find them most often in poorly prepared and stored canned goods: vegetable, fish, meat and in the ground. You can observe botulism after eating smoked or cured meat and contaminated canned food. Symptoms of this type of poisoning usually begin after about 18 hours and include:

  1. trouble speaking
  2. dizziness,
  3. ptosis
  4. salivation,
  5. strong stomach ache,
  6. double vision.

So they mainly affect the nervous system. People who have botulism should see a doctor as soon as possible. You will need to administer an antibiotic serum. The delay works to the detriment of the poisoned person – it can even lead to death.

How can you prevent it?

  1. always check the expiry date of the canned food you want to eat and remember to store them properly;
  2. canned food that hiss when opened – throw it away immediately;
  3. Foods contaminated with sausage venom often smell of rancid fat, so you can smell them prophylactically;
  4. you prepare preserves – remember to pasteurize them.

In the event of food poisoning, tea prepared on the basis of the dandelion flower will be a support. It has a detoxifying and cleansing effect.

Bacterial food poisoning and staphylococcus

Staphylococcus is found in many products, but it is not dangerous until it meets the right conditions in which it begins to emit more poisonous enterotoxin. Staphylococci like products such as fruit jellies, ice cream and cookies. However, sometimes the substrate is meat or fish. In people who have become infected with staphylococcus, the first symptoms appear after about 6 hours, they are:

  1. vomiting,
  2. abdominal pain (very severe),
  3. chills,
  4. high temperature,
  5. sometimes diarrhea.

How to proceed?

In case of staphylococcal poisoning, it is enough to take anti-diarrheal, analgesic and antispasmodic preparations. In the pharmacy, you can buy medicinal charcoal or Stoperan. It is also important to implement a proper diet, first of all, eliminate sweets and consume plenty of fluids. If symptoms persist within 3 days, an antibiotic should be administered.

How to prevent staphylococcal fever?

1. Use caution when dealing with people who are infected with staphylococcus.

2. Before you eat a dish – smell it. Stale / contaminated products always smell suspiciously.

3. Avoid eating grilled fried meat or fish that have been sprinkled with a lot of spices. Dishonest sellers try to hide that the meat is not fresh.

Bacterial food poisoning – E. coli

The E. coli bacteria (Escherichia bacteria) are often found in undercooked or undercooked meat. In fact, it can colonize any product, because E.coli is transmitted by flies and bacteria. In people who have poisoned with E. coli, the following can be observed:

  1. diarrhea
  2. sometimes vomiting,
  3. very severe headache,
  4. sometimes urine retention.

How to proceed?

People with this type of poisoning are recommended to induce vomiting and then consume medicinal charcoal or smectta. Patients should also remember to drink plenty of fluids, preferably warm, lightly salted water. The antibiotic is administered when symptoms persist after 3 days.

How to prevent

  1. avoid eating food prepared in roadside barbecues,
  2. avoid eating undercooked or undercooked meat,
  3. before you start eating a meal – wash your hands (also after eating),
  4. before you eat vegetables or fruit, remember to wash them thoroughly and peel them thinly,
  5. take care that rodents or flies do not come into contact with food.

Bacterial food poisoning – Listeria

Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium for which low temperatures are not a problem. It is often found in our refrigerators and inhabits such products as ice cream, vegetables, milk, cheese, fish, meat, poultry and sausages. People who have poisoned with Listeria complain of symptoms that resemble the flu, which appear about 4 hours after eating the contaminated product:

  1. muscle and joint pain,
  2. high temperature,
  3. cough.

Listeria poisoning by pregnant women can damage the fetus! With this type of poisoning, you should go on a diet and drink plenty of fluids. If symptoms persist after 3 days, see your doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic.

How to prevent this type of poisoning?

  1. sort the products you put in the fridge,
  2. avoid drinking raw milk,
  3. do not eat raw or undercooked meat and fish,
  4. vegetables and fruits that you eat should be thoroughly washed and thinly peeled,
  5. avoid eating suspicious ice cream,
  6. wash the fridge.

Bacterial food poisoning – Yersinia

Yersinia is a bacterium that is found in animal products such as milk or meat. In addition, it can inhabit the water in the well. Then to poison it is enough to drink a cup of water straight from the well.

In people poisoned with this bacterium, symptoms appear in the form of:

  1. diarrhea (sometimes with some blood)
  2. severe stomach pain
  3. sometimes arthritis,
  4. slight rash on the legs.

People with more severe symptoms should immediately report to a specialist who will prescribe an antibiotic. Until then or when a visit to the doctor is impossible – antipyretics (pyralginum), analgesics and anti-diarrheal drugs (smecta) are the rescue. A diet of several days is also recommended.


  1. remember to wash your hands both before and after eating,
  2. do not drink water from the well,
  3. do not drink water straight from the tap, and also do not drink milk straight from the cow,
  4. remember about hygiene when preparing your food,
  5. store food in the refrigerator.

Food poisoning diagnosis

If bacterial food poisoning is suspected, the doctor will order two tests: one for a blood sample and the other for a stool sample. Based on the test results, the appropriate type of treatment is implemented. In treatment, in addition to pharmacological agents, kefirs and yoghurts, which contain bacterial cultures, can be used as an auxiliary.

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