Bacterial balance is a prerequisite for healthy sinuses

To successfully treat chronic sinusitis, you first need to restore their bacterial balance. The disease can be caused by a common bacterium spreading in the sinuses, often found on our skin, say scientists from the University of California in San Francisco, whose research appears in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Persistent sinusitis, accompanied by a headache, may be related to the loss of natural bacterial diversity in the sinuses after the infection has passed, notes Dr. Susan Lynch, who compared samples containing colonies of bacteria that inhabit the sinuses of ten healthy people and ten patients with chronic sinusitis.

As it turned out, in the case of the latter, the bacterial diversity was clearly lower. On the other hand, much more Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum bacteria were found in the diseased sinuses, which took the opportunity to populate the free space.

Healthy people, on the other hand, are characterized by the presence of Lactobacillus sakei bacteria in their sinuses, which, as studies conducted on mice have shown, help protect them naturally against inflammation.

“With chronic sinusitis, we lose bacterial covers, so restoring the natural microbiome can be an effective treatment for the disease,” says Dr. Lynch. (PAP)

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