The human intestine is home to over 1000 species of bacteria and other living microorganisms. They are responsible for many important intestinal functions: digestive, immune, bactericidal, and others. Let’s talk about the components of the intestinal microflora and the signs that something is wrong with it.
When everything is in order in the body, the microflora is balanced, and the bacteria are doing their job properly, we simply do not notice it. Unfortunately, there are situations when the microflora balance is disturbed for one reason or another.
Changing your diet and drinking water
When traveling, on business trips, during summer vacations, we change not only the watch, but also the “gastronomic” belts, try unfamiliar dishes. Accordingly, “unfamiliar” bacteria, intestinal viruses and protozoa enter the intestines, which can cause digestive problems.
Infectious diseases
During this time, pathogens disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. If the microflora does not cope with the protective function, its composition changes – potentially harmful bacteria begin to actively multiply, suppressing the normal microflora.
Reception of antibiotics
Antibiotics are excellent helpers in the fight against diseases such as pneumonia, purulent tonsillitis, bacterial complications of viral infections, etc., but they aggressively affect both harmful and beneficial microorganisms. As a result, the intestinal microflora suffers. This is one of the reasons (but not the only) why it is so important that antibiotics are started only after consultation and under the supervision of a good doctor.
Food poisoning and intestinal infections
Eating poor-quality or stale food can have a very negative effect on bowel function. Recall: wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating, observe the temperature regime when storing food, be careful with homemade canned food.
In addition, the composition of the intestinal microflora is influenced by factors such as too frequent diet insufficient in all essential nutrients, contamination parasites (worms, protozoa, etc.) and especially chemical и radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.
How to recognize dysbiosis?
As a result of a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora, a state of dysbiosis may develop, in which pathogens in the intestine begin to actively multiply and suppress beneficial bacteria. Symptoms: loose stools, bloating, constipation, abdominal discomfort, increased flatulence. Many in these cases try to get rid of specific symptoms, not suspecting that the root cause lies elsewhere.
Than we treat
To correct the intestinal microflora, we most often drink kefir and other sour milk products, as well as dietary supplements and special preparations – probiotics and metabiotics. All of them normalize the bacterial composition of the intestine, but their mechanism of action is different.
Probiotics contain live, freeze-dried beneficial bacteria. After entering the stomach, they should be activated (revive), pass through the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, bile and digestive enzymes of the small intestine and, once in the large intestine, begin to produce beneficial substances – metabolites. A distinctive feature of metabiotics from probiotics is that they do not contain live microorganisms. Instead, they contain a concentrated solution of ready-made substances – metabolites. Therefore, metabiotics do not need to go through the stages of activation, survival in the aggressive environment of the digestive tract, the production of metabolites – they are metabolites ready for action.
Metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids and lactic acid play a special role in the formation of microflora in the intestine and in the nutrition of the intestinal mucosa. They, being previously obtained from four types of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus helveticus, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecalis), are contained in preparations like hilak forte. Metabiotics should be taken both for prophylaxis and for dysbiosis – but before using it, you should consult with a specialist.