The medical backing ring is a dense inflatable ring with a round hole in the middle. The product is usually made of rubber or PVC. It is intended for the prevention and treatment of tissue necrosis, after operations on the intestines or spine, with hemorrhoids and coccyx bruises. The ring relieves the load on the damaged part of the body, helps restore blood circulation, and prevents bedsores. The rules for use and storage have their own characteristics, which we will learn.
Purpose and types of medical circles
The lining circle is most often used to prevent and treat bedsores in seriously ill patients, which is why it is also called “anti-decubitus”.
Pressure sores are tissue necrosis resulting from insufficient blood supply. This is due to constant pressure on certain areas of the skin in bedridden and sedentary patients. Necrosis is accompanied by the appearance of a wound, destruction of the upper layers of the skin. Without effective treatment, bedsores spread deep into the tissues and form cavities in the muscles. Also, bacteria and fungi easily enter through wounds on the body, which threatens to lead to infection.
Getting rid of tissue necrosis is a very long and painstaking process. The doctor needs to restore normal blood circulation in the patient, clean the affected areas from exudate, and prevent the spread of destruction. For this, ointments, applications, tablets are used. The backing ring is used to eliminate pressure, restore blood flow, and prevent infection of the wound. Circles come in different diameters so that you can choose the right size individually for the patient. So, for the treatment of wounds on the legs, elbows and head, the smallest ones are prescribed, and for problems in the sacrum, more.
Sizes of medical circles:
- The first (circle No. 1) is presented in a diameter of up to 30 cm. It is designed to be placed under the heels, knees, head, shins, elbows.
- The second (No. 2) has a diameter of up to 40 cm. It is considered the most versatile, as it can be used for both small areas of the body and large ones. It is prescribed for problems in the sacrum, shoulders, hips, after operations on the intestines, bruises of the coccyx. They can also replace the first circle.
- The third (No. 3) has the largest diameter of 45 or more. Mainly used for patients with large body weight, can be placed under any areas.
The shape of all products is the same – a hollow ring with an inflation hole and a sleeve. An analogue of such a system from bedsores is a padded pillow and a rubber duck. Their main goal is to relieve pressure, prevent the growth of necrosis and the addition of infections.
Terms of Use
With a constant lying or sitting position, skin necrosis is almost always formed. With the help of a ring, a problem can be prevented or wounds that have already formed can be treated.
After purchasing the product, it must be washed in warm water with soap. Then it needs to be inflated and allowed to dry on its own, it is not recommended to wipe it. It is inflated with a bicycle pump or by direct exhalation (by mouth). Before inflating, the hole must be treated with alcohol, and then closed tightly.
The operated rubber circle must be disinfected so as not to lead to diaper rash and infection.
To do this, you need to treat it 1-3 times a day with a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. In the hospital, they take a 1% solution of chloramine and keep the ring in it for half an hour. If the patient does not have open wounds, you can simply wash the lining several times a day in warm water and soap.
General application rules:
- be sure to rinse the circle before use;
- do not inflate the lining very much, as this will create discomfort and additionally interfere with blood flow. The damaged part should be slightly above the surface of the bed, the ring should be elastic, but soft;
- turn the patient on his side and place the circle so that the diseased part is located directly above the hole. Place it under a sheet or cover with sterile gauze. This is necessary to prevent friction and diaper rash;
- it is necessary to clean the circle for disinfection on the recommendation of a doctor, most often it is removed for 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a day.
When the product is no longer needed, it must be folded for storage. This can be done after releasing air and carefully folding. You need to store in the “native” box or a plastic bag with a zipper, away from sunlight and strong humidity.
In addition to the anti-decubitus ring, it is important to observe measures to prevent skin necrosis. The bed and clothes of the patient should always be clean, there should be no folds in the sheets.
Every day you need to examine the places on the body where a bedsore may appear: the entire back, arms, legs, buttocks, head. These areas are recommended to be treated with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, sometimes with vodka or camphor alcohol. When spots appear on the skin, you need to use a circle and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
Where to buy
You can buy a lining circle in pharmacies, the price for them depends on the material and diameter. The average cost is $10. Shelf life with constant use is 1,5-2 years. They are also sold in online stores at the same price. Before buying, you should take into account the weight of the patient, the middle ring can withstand a load of up to 150 kilograms. However, for patients with increased body weight from 100 kilograms, circles of the third diameter are needed.
The backing ring is a medical system with a simple device against tissue destruction. It is designed to relieve stress and pressure on certain parts of the body, which prevents the occurrence of bedsores. They also help relieve pain and accelerate healing in the intestines, with hemorrhoids and bruises of the spine.