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Spine pain is caused by: prolonged sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement, passive movement using various means of locomotion, and the weakening of the bone structure and the articular-ligament apparatus as a result of postmenopausal osteoporosis, which is the most common cause of back pain, as well as degenerative and inflammatory changes in the intervertebral joints.

What are back pain?

Backache can be caused by many different factors. They can arise as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise or degenerative and cancerous diseases. This condition affects both women and men, although the anatomy of women predisposes them to frequent back pain. Women have much weaker muscles than men, which is why the spine is more exposed to various types of overload. Additionally, in women, the lumbar spine excision is deepened, which contributes to pain in this area.

The causes of back pain

The effects of the above-mentioned changes are spontaneous or occurring during movements pain, neuralgia and limitation of mobility of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine or its entirety. Back pain occurs as a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle: incl. low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, improper carrying of bags and backpacks, poor posture during sleep. Incorrect posture, living in a constant run, stress to which muscles respond with constant tension – also lead to back pain and even permanent degenerative changes.

Of course, you can blame all the blame on our anatomy, but we work on back pain our lives all our lives. It is influenced by bad habits, daily walking in high heels, slouching, sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress – it could be replaced. With this way of life, the spine has no chance of proper regeneration.

We should also mention overweight here, which has a huge impact on our spine. Struggling with obesity / overweight for years, negatively affects the intervertebral discs and joints. This often results in a degenerative disease, the first symptom of which is low back pain, making it difficult to move and bend over. In women, the period of pregnancy and subsequent child rearing (lifting, lifting) is also a significant risk for the spine. Then the excessive load on the spine accumulates because women do not think whether they are picking up the baby correctly.

Other causes of back pain include:

  1. a tumor located in the area of ​​the spine,
  2. degeneration of the spinal canal,
  3. muscle strain,
  4. joint degeneration,
  5. inflammatory process in the area of ​​the spine,
  6. displacement of the vertebrae,
  7. interarticular disc degeneration.

One way to prevent back pain is to use the correct sitting posture. This is especially important for people who sit most of the time during the day (e.g. because of their work). Curble correction seat can be helpful in such cases. At Medonet Market, you can now buy a Curble seat tailored to your needs – click and order today.

Symptoms accompanying back pain

In some patients, apart from back pain, there are also other symptoms that may suggest that something is wrong in our body. Such symptoms include:

  1. headaches – most often they are closely related to the cervical spine, with incorrect position and muscle overload due to improper blood supply;
  2. painful menstruation – may be associated with the pelvis, or rather with the location of the last lumbar segments of the spine and with the sacroiliac joint;
  3. difficulty breathing – this symptom, in turn, is related to the thoracic spine; trouble breathing occurs due to prolonged immobility in an inclined position that reduces the mobility of the chest and can irritate the nerves of the heart;
  4. pain in the calf, under the knee or on the foot – may be related to problems with the lumbar spine;
  5. pain resembling appendicitis, constipation and flatulence – occur because of problems with the lumbar spine, which compresses the nerves that surround the digestive system;
  6. numbness of the hands, trouble grasping small objects, pain radiating downwards from the shoulder – may be related to the cervical spine, and more precisely to its overload.

Flexan – the YANGO dietary supplement, which contains, among others, Indian frankincense bark resin showing beneficial effects on bones and joints.

Types of back pain

The most common causes of sudden pains in the lumbar spine are called lumbar discopathy. Another name for them is:

  1. gunshot – pain is limited to the lumbar region of the spine,
  2. lumbago – pain radiates along the back of the thigh from the lumbar region to the popliteal region,
  3. Sciatica – pains radiate from the lumbar region of the spine along the entire course of the sciatic nerve, i.e. the back of the thigh and lower leg, and in some cases to the heel and even the big toe.

Discopathy is usually the result of displacement or loss through a degenerated or broken fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc (hernia) of the nucleus pulposus from the intervertebral space to the spinal canal, which results in pressure on the nerve roots of the lumbar segments.

Diagnosis and treatment of back pain

The following tests are performed to find the cause of back pain:

  1. magnetic resonance imaging,
  2. x-ray examination,
  3. computed tomography.

Determining the factor responsible for the pain is important because it affects the choice of treatment. The following methods are used to treat back pain, e.g .:

  1. alternative medicine in the form of acupuncture or acupressure,
  2. pharmacological treatment: patients mainly use antispasmodics, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) agents or opioids,
  3. cold or warm compresses that are applied to the sick places (thermotherapy),
  4. various types of massages and special strengthening and stretching exercises, kinesitherapy.

The lack of any improvement after using the above methods may indicate a more serious cause of back pain. Then, surgery may be necessary, for example in patients with scoliosis, osteoarthritis, discopathy, and certain injuries.

For back pain, it is worth using the Dermaticus Klimuszko monastery lining on the skin around the joints and spine, which you can buy at Medonet Market. The preparation has a soothing and warming effect, improving the comfort of movement.

Home remedies for backache

Back pain can be minimized by changing your habits. Correct sitting posture is very important. It should be as natural as possible, that is:

  1. the back must be straight, preferably against a chair; the spine can be additionally supported in the lumbar part with a roller,
  2. feet should be flat on the floor or supported at a height of about ten centimeters,
  3. keep your head straight,
  4. avoid putting one foot on one leg or sitting with one foot under the buttocks – the body should be positioned symmetrically,
  5. it is best to rest your wrists on the table / desk top, and your forearms on the armrests.

The best exercises for the back

Swimming on the back works well. It is recommended to all people with chronic back pain, and even to children. However, in case of problems with the spine, you should avoid swimming in the breaststroke, because it is an additional burden on the cervical spine. In addition, a gym and exercises under the supervision of an instructor work well for the spine.

IMPORTANT: Back pain should not be underestimated! Always consult a doctor in the event of pain of unknown origin. In addition, you should not fight and experiment on your own, as we can make the situation worse.

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