Back and spine pain: what to do?
The indefatigable office workers, who are so often shown in the movies, have, as a rule, indestructible health. But in life, everything is somewhat different, and office work is fraught with many health hazards. drew attention to the three most important problems.
1. Does your back hurt?
Most of us spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. This posture is not natural for the spine. Especially when we lean forward towards the monitor. In this position, the lower back can experience up to half a ton of pressure!
What to do: get an orthopedic work chair and in no case place the monitor on the corner of the table (this will make the sitting position even more harmful for the spine, since you will have to spend working hours with your head and body turned to the side). Leave your seat often and walk around the office. If circumstances permit, stand a minute or two with your back against the wall.
Psychologists say that if things don’t go well, you need to be distracted by another occupation. After returning to the problem after a while, it will become easier to focus on solving it.
2. Unable to concentrate?
Not every woman manages to follow the immortal slogan of Scarlett O’Hara “I’ll think about it tomorrow” and at least for a short while distract from the inevitable problems that arise in any work. This is why stress is an inevitable part of office life. But don’t let him ruin your life.
What to do: Natural sedatives can help cope with stress. “Persen” has proved itself well, it does not reduce concentration of attention and does not interfere with leading an active lifestyle.
Gym exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, cross stitching or belly dancing. For prevention, everything is good that will allow you to enjoy, forget about troubles and relieve emotional stress.
By the way
According to the World Health Organization, stress is the main cause of the seven most common diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, myocardial infarction, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma.
Scientists have found that when you talk while standing, your voice will sound more convincing.
3. Is it difficult to sit?
Bleeding, pain, itching, inflammation in the anus and other excruciating symptoms of hemorrhoids are a direct consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, so sooner or later 8 out of 10 people face the disease.
What to do: the main thing is not to be shy and see a doctor. Modern medicine has tools that help to quickly improve the condition and slow down the development of the disease. In addition, modern medicines are produced by the line, like a series of drugs for hemorrhoids “Relief”, it consists of five drugs designed to combat different symptoms of the disease.
Well, for prevention, you need a little: monitor your diet, do not lift weights, take breaks from work and get up from time to time from your computer. For example, instead of calling colleagues, you can simply go to them in the next department – this is a completely legal way to warm up. By the way, at the same time it will be the prevention of varicose veins in the legs, which is also often the result of a “sedentary” lifestyle.