- A different budget depending on the maternal assistant, the nanny or the nursery
- Define the place according to the type of childcare
- How to choose the right type of childcare: nursery, nanny or maternal assistant?
- A different choice depending on the age of your child
- Compare the different on-call times
- How to choose the right type of childcare: define the time I have
A different budget depending on the maternal assistant, the nanny or the nursery
The right question to ask yourself: “What is our budget for babysitting?” »
If you have a low income, better to find an economical solution. Grandparents, for example, if they are available and willing. Otherwise, the ideal is to obtain a place in a crèche or in a day-care center. “These are, in fact, the most affordable childcare arrangements because their cost takes into account your family quotient. At the drop-in center, you only pay for the time spent in the structure. The schedule is generally defined from one week to the next, ”explains Olivia Hurtebize, childcare assistant. Unfortunately, places are scarce. If none is allocated to you, be aware that some municipalities help low-income families finance another type of child care. The CAF, for its part, pays the Supplement for Free Choice of Childcare (CMG) of the Childcare Benefit (Paje) if you employ a childminder, home childcare or if your child is in a micro-crèche. . The amount varies depending on your situation and your resources. You also benefit from a 50% tax credit, within the limits of the fixed ceilings, for your childcare costs in a crèche, at the maternal assistant or at your home.
If you have a comfortable income, you can also apply for a place in a nursery. Note: if you pay the highest rate and you have two children at the nursery, the situation will not necessarily be more economical than home care.
If you want a quick custody solution: instead entrust your child to a licensed childminder or opt for shared custody at home with another family. Your child will then be kept in a smaller committee, with a single referent to take care of him.
Define the place according to the type of childcare
The right question to ask yourself: ” I keep baby near my house, or near my work? “
This question is important when the home is far from the workplace. It can, indeed, be super convenient to have your child babysit next to your business. You get it back more quickly in the evening and limit the on-call time. However, if you take public transport with your baby, the journey can very quickly become inconvenient and put her at risk of infection. Reasons why we prefer childcare close to home : “The child has less travel to do.” He can rest without suffering the stress due to possible traffic jams, deviations… »
Are you afraid of not arriving in time to pick up your little one in the evening? If it’s occasional, the childminder can figure it out. It will be able to be more flexible than a collective crèche with more strict hours. Otherwise, think of a resource person (for example, a grandparent, a friend…) to pick up your child, in case of need.
How to choose the right type of childcare: nursery, nanny or maternal assistant?
The right question to ask yourself: ” Do I want to have it kept in a community, or rather in a small committee? “
Community care presents, among other things, the interest of socialize your child. He is in contact with other little ones and can play with them. He follows the rhythm of the group, learns the rules of community life, confronts others, has to share… On the other hand, the nursery is more impersonal and the turnover is higher. Several people will take turns during the day to take care of your child, even if he has a priority referent. The risks of contamination (rhinos, bronchitis, etc.) are also greater. And if your toddler is sick, you will need to keep him or her at home. You must therefore take all these elements into consideration when making your choice.
A different choice depending on the age of your child
Your preference may also vary depending on the age of the child. “For a toddler, the ideal is to find a cocooning childcare arrangement with competent staff who provides individual help. The maternal assistant or the micro-crèche are often more rewarding. The child’s rhythm is better respected. Just like in a nursery, we offer awakening activities: listening to music, reading, nursery rhymes, manual activities … We can very well put our baby a year or two with a childminder and opt for a collective nursery afterwards for the socialize with a view to school, ”suggests Olivia Hurtebize, childcare assistant. But in practice, it is not so easy to obtain a place in a nursery along the way …
What if I am looking for a job?
You can request “a place in multi-reception in a municipal crèche structure. You will generally have a temporary place for six to nine months, to help you find a job ”, informs Olivia Hurtebize. On the other hand, you will have to show that you are actively seeking because there are a lot of requests.
Compare the different on-call times
The right question to ask yourself: ” What days and times do I need on call? “
Take a good look at which days you need childcare and how long. If you only need a type of childcare occasionally, the drop-in center offers a reception of a few hours or half-days per week, whatever your family and professional situation. If you only need part-time childcare, you can apply for a place in a multi-reception crèche, a micro-crèche, or even with a childcare assistant … Some of them accept, in fact, to keep children part-time according to the schedule of the other children they welcome. Finally, if your work involves atypical hours, be aware that some companies or hospitals have their own nurseries. These offer longer hours to look after your baby. An independent licensed childminder can also comply with your schedules.
How to choose the right type of childcare: define the time I have
The right question to ask yourself: ” Do I have time to keep it, or to invest myself? “
If you work part-time, shift schedules, or self-employed with flexible hours, you may be able to make time to look after your child yourself on certain days at home. Specify this when you apply for registration in a crèche with the town hall. Also indicate this when you do the interviews to recruit a childminder. You will be able to pay in proportion to the actual time spent in the structure, and save while enjoying your child!
This time can also allow you to invest in a parental nursery. These are small associative structures managed by parents who employ professionals to take care of the little ones. An interesting solution if you prefer community care, but have not had a place. Here, the parents are called upon in turn during the week to clean the premises, welcome the children, do administrative tasks… They are involved in the proper functioning of the establishment.