Baby: we take care of his teeth!

A beautiful smile for life begins at an early age. From teething to the final teeth, going to the dentist regularly and teaching your child the right actions is to give him good habits to ensure his oral health.

Relieve teething

Does your baby have swollen gums, drooling, trying to chew, has a fever? He’s starting to bite his teeth. The first two lower incisors are usually the first to grow, around 6 months old. The others appear as and when your child is 3 years old. But everyone is different. Some babies are born with a tooth, while others are still not at 1 year old. In this case, it will be necessary to consult a dentist.

If your little one seems embarrassed, it is possible to relieve his teething with a few simple steps. “You can give him pain relievers or homeopathy to ease the pain. Offer her a chilled teething ring. Babies like to nibble on them and the cold numbs the pain a little. On the other hand, I do not recommend the anesthetic gingival gel that the baby can swallow, ”explains Jona Andersen, pediatric dental surgeon in Paris. You can also massage his gums with a small silicone brush or a finger cot.


We brush our first teeth

Just because baby only wears a quenotte does not mean that it should not be washed! You can brush your first teeth with a compress or a suitable toothbrush, morning and evening after meals. From 6 months, put a little toothpaste, the equivalent of a small fingernail is enough (read the instructions on the tube because the fluoride dosage should not exceed 500 ppm). 

In addition, around 12-15 months, your child no longer needs to drink from a bottle. “It then becomes a habit of sucking, but the little one needs to chew, to chew to develop his mouth. In addition, sugary drinks, milk, porridge, taken from a bottle promote cavities, ”warns Dr. Andersen. Take your baby to the dentist around 1 year old. And choose a healthy diet, which will protect your teeth.


Has your child broken a tooth? 

“Pick up the piece of tooth and put it in a glass containing physiological saline, milk or saliva. See your dentist immediately or go to the hospital. The tooth can be reattached, ”explains Dr Jona Andersen. If a permanent tooth has fallen out with its root, it can be re-implanted within two hours. If it is a baby tooth, consult quickly in case of trauma. The X-ray will verify that the germ of the permanent tooth is not damaged.

Milk teeth: beware of cavities

Around 3 years old, your child has 20 baby teeth. And just because they’re doomed to fall doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be taken care of! Teach your child the right things from an early age. Brush your teeth in front of him so that he imitates you. His motor skills will not allow him to brush effectively before he is 10 years old, but he will get into the habit of brushing his teeth and you will encourage his independence. Then, lay him on your lap and wash his teeth. You can opt for a small toothbrush, or an electric one from 2 years old. “Brushing is much easier with electric brushes. Some offer connected games that motivate children, ”says Dr Andersen. To make sure brushing is effective, “Once a week, you can also put plaque-revealing dye on a cotton swab and brush your teeth with it. This is the best way to check that they are well brushed, ”assures the dentist.

 From the age of 2, it is recommended to go to the dentist every six months. Thus, “if a parent has cavities and tastes his child’s dish with his spoon, he can transmit bacteria to him. We see early caries from the age of 2-3 years. The problems do not go away with the fall of baby teeth. The bacteria remain and also attack the permanent teeth, ”explains Dr Jona Andersen.


Stop pacifier and thumb

If your child is addicted to the pacifier or their thumb, it is best that they stop before 3-4 years to avoid repercussions on their teeth. “One in two children has functional problems following this sucking: unilateral chewing, poor swallowing, oral breathing instead of nasal, low tongue which does not allow the jawbones to develop”, adds the dental surgeon.

 At 3 years, an orthodontic assessment is recommended to verify that these functions are installed. Essential conditions for the harmonious growth of the face. This early detection makes it possible to be in prevention and to avoid heavier and more expensive treatments thanks to functional education. Small removable flexible silicone devices, a few speech therapy and / or osteopathy sessions can be offered.


Fanny’s testimony: “If he drools, it alerts us! “

Matthias’ first tooth appeared around 5 months old. He sometimes went several months without teething, then had several in a very short period of time. 

It is never easy to know if our son’s discomfort is due to his teeth. But when his buttocks are red, when he drools a lot, nibbles or even has a little cold, it pisses us off! ” 

Fanny, mother of Matthias, 15 months old.


Watch out for permanent teeth

The lower incisors are the first baby teeth to fall out. But they are sometimes still present when the permanent teeth start to grow, around 5-7 years old. In total, the growing child will have 32 teeth. First the molars. Discreet at the back of the mouth, we sometimes miss their arrival and therefore their brushing. “Their enamel is immature. However, if they are badly brushed, cavities occur quickly. Sealing the grooves with a protective resin can be done as a preventive measure, ”says Dr Andersen.

On the brushing side, fluoride toothpaste is used, the dosage of which is 1000-1500 ppm, and dental floss because cavities usually get between the teeth. In addition, avoid snacking and sugary drinks. If the teeth are badly positioned, the dentist may offer functional education or refer you to an orthodontist. 

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