Baby toilet: choosing the right material

Baby bath

Until at least 3 months, you will use a small tub. Choose a bathtub that meets European standards. Check in particular the depth, stability and security of the fastening systems.

From 9 months old, you can try to switch to the family bathtub, provided you redouble your vigilance! Provide it with a non-slip mat and / or a bath lounger.

Around 2-3 years old, when the bathtub is familiar, you can try the alternating shower. Again, the non-slip mat is required, and always under your supervision.

The classic bathtub

Practical and simple, the classic bathtub adapts to your baby’s age. Not cumbersome, it is ideal in an apartment. Some models are equipped with a stand that allows you to put the tub at your height. Admittedly, it then takes up more space, but it spares your back!

Still other models are equipped with two cross bars, which allow the bathtub to be suspended from a large bathtub. There, the space saving is optimal.

Some are specially designed for older children: they are placed at the bottom of the family bathtub and have a non-slip bottom. Increasingly, they are also equipped with other functions, such as a built-in thermometer.

The combined bathtub

If you have space, you can opt for a bathtub integrated into a dresser or a changing table. The advantage: you have everything at hand (towels, diapers, toiletries and care products, etc.). And you can safely change and bathe in one place.  

The small tub is often removable as the child grows. As they are combined with other functions, these models are a bit more expensive.

The inflatable bathtub

A true ally of nomadic parents, the inflatable bathtub exists in all shapes and is easily stored once deflated. But we do not recommend it for daily use: it must remain an additional solution.

The disadvantages: the friction of the plastic can sometimes cause skin irritation and it is sometimes difficult to swell.

The foldable bathtub

Compact but more resistant than the inflatable, the foldable nomadic bathtub will also appeal to backpacking parents. It can be placed on foot supports, but be extra careful. Never take your eyes off your child to limit any risk of slips or falls.

A deckchair and / or a baby swim ring

The bathing chair can be used from birth up to approximately 6 months, depending on the tone of the child. Then it would risk tipping over. A bath ring or seat can then take over. Some scalable models are suitable for longer.

0-6 months: a bathing lounger

Usable from birth, the bathing chair is placed at the bottom of the family bath, the special baby bath or even the shower. The advantage: we install our baby comfortably, as in our arms, which frees our hands to rinse it and play with it.

The downside of the bathing chair is that it sometimes creates a “false” sense of security in parents, even though it is only a “bath aid”, not an article of. security. Never take your eyes off your child. Never leave him lying on his deckchair alone in the bathtub, because even in 10 cm of water he can drown.

You will find baby loungers in several shapes. Some are better suited to the baby’s body shape than others. Bowl, hammock or simple board, it’s a matter of choice but the priority is that your baby is well installed and does not slip.

Choose a model that complies with the standards in force, which guarantee stability and adhesion to the bathtub, the locking system of movable or removable elements and the maximum weight of the baby. Observe the age or weight statements as well as the instructions for use given by the manufacturer.

+ 6 months: a ring or a bath seat

When your baby gets too big, there is a risk that he will tip over in the bathing chair. As a replacement, you can opt for a bath ring or a bath seat.

Choose it with a high and wide backrest to properly support the baby’s back and effective suction cups for perfect stability. Check the strength of the protective edges and the presence of non-slip. Many models include early learning toys, for the baby’s greatest pleasure!

Baby toiletries

Products and toiletry bag, change care: opt for soft products that respect your baby’s fragile skin.

Personal hygiene products

Choose non-aggressive, soap-free toiletries formulated especially for the fragile skin of babies. The advantage: they cleanse while protecting the epidermis from water, which is often calcareous.

Up to approximately 7 months, a 2 in 1 washing gel for body and hair may be enough. But the newborn sweats a lot of the head, and the sebaceous secretions can cause cradle cap. So combine if necessary a foam shampoo.

When her hair gets thicker, add a gentle baby shampoo with washing product for the body. Wash his hair every two or three days, unless of course if he has got particularly dirty. Some brands offer convenient visors to prevent shampoo from getting into your baby’s eyes.

You can sometimes add in the bath water a few drops of special baby care oil, with or without rinsing. Often used for the care of dry skin, the oil replenishes the skin and protects it from the drying effects of hard water. A reminder: we never use essential oils in children under 5 years old.

A toilet set

Among the essentials, there is also the toilet kit ! Practical, many brands offer kits including all the necessary accessories.

In any case, you will put at least a thermometer, a baby nose, a massage finger and cleaning of the gums and a hairbrush.

In a few weeks, you will add a pair of round-tipped scissors to cut his nails, a toothbrush suitable for toddlers and a teething ring.

Currency exchange care

For a simple and economical change, use cotton or a clean, dry glove, or even reusable fabric lingerie, water and soap without special baby soap. Provide two gloves or enough cotton if the stools are heavy. You can also opt for a cleansing water or a cleansing milk, provided that these products are soft and respectful of the baby’s skin.

The disposable wipes are very practical when traveling. Most of them are now perfectly ecological, without impact on the environment, and respectful of baby’s skin. 

Another product works wonders in cleaning babies’ fragile skin: the oleo-limestone liniment. This mixture of olive oil and lime is ideal for limiting and soothing diaper rashes. And it doesn’t need to be rinsed.

Also have the skin care cream on hand. You will apply it in case of redness or erythema or at each change if he has sensitive skin.

And let yourself be guided by our expert advice

To remember

– Never take your eyes off your child when changing or bathing. If you must leave the room, carry it in your arms, even for a very short time.

– The room temperature should not exceed 20-22 ° C.

– Always check the water temperature (37 ° C) before immersing the baby in it. The water level should not exceed his shoulders.

– Choose an easily washable bathtub and deckchair.

The price of the material

Here is a range of prices found in specialized stores.  

– Baths: 10 to 75 euros

– Bath deckchairs: from 20 to 50 euros

– A toilet set: from 20 to 45 euros

To go further: Baby skin care

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