Baby swimming and health: beware of danger?

Baby swimming: the regulations

Baby swimming sessions are subject to a strict regulations, governed by a circular (of June 3, 1975) of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on “the initiation of very young children in an aquatic environment”. The team supervising the courses must be made up of several professionals, having an approach that is both pedagogical and psychomotor. However, due to lack of resources, only most of the time, the lifeguards lead the lessons and guide the parents in their actions.

The temperature outside the water must approach 25 ° C and that of the pool, at least 32 ° C. As for babies, they must be vaccinated against DTpolio (2nd injection). Parents must also provide proof of vaccinations as well as a medical certificate from the pediatrician, upon registration. The swimming pool is not recommended for toddlers with breathing problems (asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.) or cardiovascular problems.

Despite this supervision and these precautions, several studies have revealed that the baby swimming sessions could promote the appearance of certain respiratory pathologies. A real cold shower for the establishments concerned …

Baby swimmers: chlorine is the subject of debate

In 2007, the Belgian study by Professor Bernard, conducted among 341 children, reported a significant increase in asthma and recurrent bronchitis in baby swimmers. For his part, Anthony Sarfaty, midwife-ultrasound machine, in 2010, also directed a study on the subject with 185 infants and young children in the city of Angers. According to his research, nasopharyngitis and tonsillitis are more common in baby swimmers. On the other hand, they would have less bronchiolitis. And for asthma, the specialist did not observe any significant differences between baby swimmers and babies who did not swim.

Although some studies contradict each other, one cannot, according to Anthony Sarfaty, denythe correlation between baby swimmers and the appearance of otorhinolaryngological respiratory pathologies. In question: the excessive quantity of chlorine vapors released during the sessions. “What is most toxic in a swimming pool treated with chlorine is the concentration of trichloramines in the ambient air. This gas, inhaled by the little ones, and which reaches the pulmonary epithelium (the tissues of the lungs), is formed by reaction between the organic matter (urine, feces, sweat, washing powder, cosmetics) rejected by the swimmers and the necessary chlorine disinfection of swimming pools. 


The concentration of organic matter is even more important during the sessions of baby swimmers because of the physiology of children, who do not yet know how to control their sphincters.

Even if further research must be carried out on the subject to confirm these theses, Anthony Sarfaty specifies that “the immune system of the child is not fully mature before the age of 4 years. And the lungs mature around the age of 6/7 years. Before this age, they are therefore more vulnerable to physical or chemical attack ”.

An Infobebes user testifies:

« Aglaé had pneumonia. As soon as we got back to the pool, she started coughing very hard again. We suspect the chlorine in the swimming pool to be responsible for her illness and we think that she must be allergic to it… When will the salt water pools, much less harmful and much more natural? », Céline, mother of Aglaé, 5 years old, and Siméon, 6 months old.

Swimming pool: clear and healthy water without chlorine?

“For the sake of profitability, we use chlorine to sanitize swimming pools. However, there are other methods of disinfection, but they are much more expensive, explains Anthony Sarfaty. When, for example, ponds are treated with other chemical agents such as bromine, such effects are not observed. ». 

Baby swimmers: what recommendations before the big dive?

Despite this controversy, the benefits of baby swimming sessions on the development of little ones (acquisition of faster walking, ease in water …) are proven. Dr. Sarfaty therefore recommends taking a few precautions before attending classes. “You already have to wash well before the sessions and after, change the child’s diapers before attending class. Wearing a swimming cap and hearing protection (plugs) for the little ones is also recommended. “

Before swimming, also remember to give your child a drink of water to prevent them from regurgitating if they drink the cup. From the first chills, purple lips, marbled skin or a pale face, take your baby out of the water, warm him up and give him a little snack.

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