Baby scale: how to use your scale properly?
The baby scale is a scale specifically adapted to weighing infants. Easy to use with a few precautions, it allows you to follow the development and growth of the child, and to detect any abnormalities. Several parameters are to be considered when buying a baby scale: graduation, safety, comfort, capacity, type of feeding and functions.
What is a baby scale?
The baby scale is a scale suitable for small masses allowing measurement in the lying position, for weighing infants.
It was Dr. Groussin who allegedly built the first baby scale, replacing the rectangular tray of a scale with a cradle-shaped wicker basket.
What is a baby scale for?
The baby scale is used, by midwives, in PMI (Maternal and Child Protection), at the maternity ward, at the pediatrician, at the general practitioner or at home, to monitor the weight curve of babies from birth , every day during the first month, then at more spaced but regular frequencies during the following months. This allows to :
- establish the baby’s growth chart;
- follow its development;
- detect possible health or developmental problems, such as a deficiency nutrition, infection or inadequate diet ;
- carry out additional examinations and analyzes in the event of anomalies;
- rectify the diet and / or implement treatment if necessary.
Indeed, a drop in weight or a too rapid weight gain are the sign of an anomaly that should be corrected. Babies can lose weight in particular because of certain foods or certain types of milk.
How is a baby scale used?
It is generally recommended that babies be weighed:
- every day until they have regained their birth weight;
- weekly up to 3 months;
- every two weeks for up to 6 months;
- monthly up to 1 year;
- every six months from 1 year.
They should also be weighed whenever a digestive disorder appears, such as diarrhea or vomiting.
Precautions for use
- ensure that the scale is placed on a flat, hard and even surface;
- clean it with a damp cloth and a mild cleaner;
- avoid aggressive cleaning products;
- prevent liquids (water, cleaning agent) from entering the device;
- dry the baby scale well with a soft cloth;
- undress the baby, weighing to be done naked;
- wrap it in a blanket to protect it from the cold while awaiting weighing;
- always weigh it on the same baby scale, in order to be able to compare the weighings with each other;
- always weigh it at the same time of day: for example, after changing and before feeding;
- favor a time when the child is calm;
- check that the baby scale is properly tared;
- change the batteries regularly before the baby scale breaks down to prevent it from occurring during use;
- place the baby delicately in the center of the weighing platform or in the suspended basket;
- ensure that the child’s feet are oriented towards the highest part of the weighing platform;
- limit the child’s movements as much as possible to ensure accurate measurement;
- once the child is stable on the scale, read the weight displayed on the device.
It should be noted that some baby scales allow children to be weighed with their clothes thanks to their tare function.
How to choose the right baby scale?
There are various models of baby scales:
- electronic baby scales, some of which have a Bluetooth option;
- mechanical baby scales;
- “hanging” type scales;
- infantometers, ie baby scales with integrated height rod.
In addition to resistance and robustness baby scale, the selection criteria are based on:
- the graduation of the baby scale, i.e. the legible difference between two measured weight values, for example the digits after the decimal point. Baby scales generally have 5 to 20 g of measurement deviation;
- baby’s safety and comfort: depending on the model, the child can either be placed directly on the baby scale, or positioned in a suspended carrycot. The latter is designed so that the baby can move without falling and that he is comfortably installed;
- capacity: baby scales have a bearable weight limit, often between 15 and 20 kg. Some models of scales offer the possibility of removing the basket to use the scale for adults;
- the type of power supply: battery, battery or mains;
- fonctionnalities.
These are numerous:
- zero adjustment to obtain an accurate weight measurement;
- anti-tilting of the weighing plate;
- automatic and manual stabilization;
- wireless data transmission to PC or smartphone;
- presence or absence of headrests and footrests;
- tare function allowing the child to be weighed with a diaper or clothes, or to put a blanket or a towel on the weighing platform before placing the baby there for the measurement;
- weight lock option to block number indication when baby stops moving;
- option to save the last weighing, etc.
It should be noted that some models of baby scales:
- have motion compensation systems to allow precise measurements even if the baby is restless;
- can to put on music or even a lullaby at the same time as the weighing of the child, in order to promote his relaxation.