Baby’s vision: preventing and detecting eye problems in your child

“The more we stimulate the child’s vision, the better! “ insists Dr. Commeau, an ophthalmologist.

So do not hesitate: mobile, colorful balloon, soft toys and other toys are good for your Baby. Picture books are also a way to stimulate baby and what a pleasure to read a cute story to your little one!

Let us recall, that beyond the vision of things and people, sight is the indispensable instrument of curiosity without which any child, any adolescent or adult later, would cut himself off from the outside world. Be careful not to over-stimulate your baby, keep in mind that measurement is the key word for each activity offered.


The synapses in the brain that connect all the nerve cells are not all active at birth. They continue to grow up to 18 months at a very high speed, then more slowly between 2 and 6 years. After 10 years, they no longer develop.

Baby’s vision: regular checks at the ophthalmologist

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As soon as your baby is born, you wonder about his sight. What exactly does he see? Does he see well? Should I consult a specialist etc. First, know that baby’s eyesight depends in part on family history. Are you nearsighted? Do not hesitate to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist as soon as your baby is 9 months old. If no one in your family wears glasses, you can wait two and a half, three years of the child for a first date. Of course, if you notice a slight strabismus, when baby is tired for example, do not delay in consulting a specialist. Indeed, eye problems treated very early are more likely to resolve.  

In the health record, three tests carried out by the pediatrician are planned to check your baby’s vision: at the maternity ward, at 9 months and at 2 years. One of the tests called the “baby vision test” allows you to observe directional eye movements. If in doubt, do not hesitate to make an appointment with the ophthalmologist who will perform an anatomical examination of the eye. A little advice for parents: do not hesitate to come with photos of baby taken from the front, videos where we can see his eyes. These elements can help the specialist for his diagnosis.

Stimulating baby’s sight, the first prevention

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