Baby’s immunization schedule

Updated each year by the Ministry of Health, the vaccination calendar allows us to identify the ages at which the compulsory vaccines must be administered to our newborns. 

What are the compulsory vaccinations for children?

Since the 1er January 2018, 11 vaccinations are mandatory and condition entry into the community for children born from January 1, 2018.

These are vaccinations against:

  • diphtheria, tetanus, polio (previously compulsory),
  • whooping cough,
  • invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infections,
  • hepatitis B,
  • pneumococcal infections,
  • invasive meningococcal serogroup C infections,
  • measles, mumps and rubella

Children over 12 months residing in French Guiana must also must be vaccinated against yellow fever.

From 0 to 18 months: at what age should the baby be vaccinated?

In practice, these 11 compulsory vaccines will give rise to 10 injections spread over 2 years.

Most of these vaccines were already recommended. They now become mandatory for any child born from January 1, 2018. 

© Vaccination

If a child has not received the compulsory vaccinations, he will not be admitted to the community. However, in a crèche for example, a provisional registration may take place. Parents will then have 3 months to get vaccinated their child. In practice, in 2018, 70% of children were already vaccinated against these 11 diseases even though only 3 vaccines were mandatory.

In video: The baby’s vaccination schedule

Recommended vaccines at 1 month

BCG : 1 dose if the child lives in an environment with a high risk of tuberculosis (originating from Guyana, Mayotte) or has a member of his entourage suffering from recent tuberculosis.

What are the compulsory vaccines in France at 2 months?

  • Diphtheria, tetanus, polio (DT Polio) : 1st dose.
  • Whooping cough : 1st dose.
  • Hæmophilus influenzae b : 1st dose.
  • PLEASE NOTE: the vaccines mentioned above exist in combined form.
  • Pneumococcus : 1st dose.
  • Hepatitis B  : 1st dose.

What are the vaccines to do in the 4th month?

  • Diphtheria, tetanus, polio (DT Polio) : 2e dose.
  • Whooping cough : 2e dose.
  • Hæmophilus influenzae b : 2e dose.
  • PLEASE NOTE: the vaccines mentioned above exist in combined form.
  • Pneumococcus : 2e dose.
  • Hepatitis B  : 2e dose.

What are the obligatory vaccines at 5 months?

Meningococcus C : (1st dose).

Mandatory vaccines for 11 month old infants

  • Diphtheria, tetanus, polio (DT Polio).
  • Whooping cough.
  • Hæmophilus influenzae b.
  • PLEASE NOTE: the vaccines mentioned above exist in combined form.
  • Pneumococcus.
  • Hepatitis B.

Mandatory vaccines at 12 months

Meningococcus C: 2e dose.

Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR): 1st dose.

Mandatory vaccines between 16 and 18 months

Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR): 2nd dose.

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