Baby’s first bath games

Playing in his bath, Baby loves it!

Thanks to the famous “Archimedes’ push”, your baby feels much less heavy. While when he has his feet on the ground he does not really know how to fight against the earth’s attraction (understand: he falls all the time), water helps him to fight against gravity: he maintains his posture more easily. And he will then be able to embark on new explorations. The right toy: a “center” of activities. A windmill, maybe a slide and above all: a mirror, to find out who is the most beautiful… The table of activities that sticks to the walls of the bathtub will make bathroom time even more exciting.

Baby’s bath: an applied physics laboratory


First he watches you make the water flow in front of him, amazed. He holds out his hand, feels the heat and a slight pressure on his palm: he closes it again, missed! The liquid is elusive: it is one of the first universal laws that your little one will discover in his bath. He who barely enjoys the pleasure of catching objects? It’s confusing. Fortunately, other adventures are available to him: he will understand that he can tap on the water to make funny noises, that in the water objects are not fixed but subject to various currents. The right toy: spray animals. The duck submerges, fills with water? Pschiiiitttt! The battle begins in the tub. The frog and the crocodile team up for more efficiency, who will win?

A shower of sensations

Remember not too long ago this chubby baby lived immersed in amniotic fluid that was close to warm water. This is what allows toddlers not to have a priori on the water. With a watering can or a colander, you pour the water which disperses in silver droplets: why not tilt your head under this gentle downpour? Proceed slowly, observing his reactions.

Lgood toy: buckets and watering cans. The more there are, the more we laugh. Fill, pour, overturn, then later, pour, what occupations with these small colored containers pierced with all kinds of holes (spout, “rain” effect, etc.). All these sensations allow your child to advance in the perception and the representation of his body: the water which flows in his neck or which beads down the arm helps him to feel like a “whole”.

Baby bath: precautions to take

Whether installed on a non-slip mat or in a swim ring, never leave it alone or under the supervision of a child under 12, even for a few seconds. Before starting the bath, plug in the answering machine. Furthermore, count 8 to 12 cm of water at 36 or 37 ° C. Check the temperature with the elbow, which is more reliable than the hand. Before sitting your child in the bath, wait until he is comfortable in this position, and in particular that he knows how to turn without losing his balance.

The children have so much fun in the water that sometimes the time does not go by. Corn if the bath lasts more than ten minutes, the baby may get cold. So it’s time to add some hot water. Take him out of the bath in a warm room and wrap him head to toe in a large towel. Finally, also pay attention to the faucets against which you can bump or burn yourself. There are tap covers on the market, but it is easy to make them yourself: for example with a deflated balloon that is split so that it covers the tap.

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