Baby’s adenoids: role and definition

Baby vegetables: what definition?

Imagine a “small sponge” well wedged at the top and at the back of the nasal cavities …

The role of adenoids is this: all day long trap the microbes and impurities that enter Baby’s respiratory tract… and stimulate the body’s defenses in the event of infection.

What is the size of the adenoids? The size of the adenoids varies according to the children, without any impact either on their effectiveness or on the risk that they one day become the cause of complications.

What is the evolution of adenoids? In place at birth, “growing” until the age of about 18 months, the adenoids atrophy and disappear around 10 years.

Symptoms of adenoids dysfunction

Too much demanded to fight against chronic rhinitis, the adenoids turn their jacket over and in turn attack the organism …

Two consequences can result from this hyper-activity:

  • a flow of too much pus to the trachea (risk of bronchitis) and to the tonsils (risk of angina).
  • Inflammation of nearby tissues, starting with those of eustachian tubes, causing – and this is the most serious consequence – recurrent ear infections.

Vegetations: is the ablation operation compulsory?

Fifteen years ago, the removal of adenoids was very common. This was not without some risks, in particular that of reducing baby’s resistance to ENT infections. Since then, this practice has fallen by 70% thanks to immunostimulant treatments. Parents may be reassured, operating on baby adenoids is no longer systematic today.

Today, before performing a surgical act, the pediatrician will do everything possible to strengthen Baby’s defenses: fewer infections means less solicited adenoids, which therefore do not degenerate …

There are nonetheless some extreme cases where ablation is necessary: ​​serum-mucous otitis resistant to treatment, acute purulent otitis, repetitive tonsillitis or bronchitis, etc. Only your pediatrician can then determine whether or not to intervene, and when.

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