Baby Planner and Co: We are not born parents, we become parents

In the United States as in Canada it is not uncommon to entrust your doubts about parenthood to the expert hands of a baby planner.

Mother of two children, the benevolent Laurine found herself in this vision: being a parent is not obvious.

Trained at the School of Well Born, she decides to put her Explore at the service of parents and future parents in the new life implied by the arrival of a child.

It must be said that this good fairy has more than one string to her bow: sleep aid, baby massage workshop, essential contact, or even how to promote the awakening of her child …

Laurine listens and provides support even in the most delicate situations such as the too taboo subject of perinatal bereavement.

Baby planning side, it will be easy for you to establish a shopping list corresponding to your desires, your child and your budget as with the clever choice of combining new and second-hand equipment.

Good attentions for more serene parents.

For more information, visit Baby Planner.

On the social media side, visit the babyplannerandco Facebook page and the babyplannerandco Instagram account. 

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