Baby massage: how to massage baby?

Baby massage: how to massage baby?

A traditional practice in India and Africa, massage for toddlers only developed late in France, where it is very much in vogue today. Rest assured, you don’t have to be an expert to share its benefits with your child. Gestures full of love and a few basic rules to follow are enough.

The benefits of massage for the baby

Massage satisfies the infant’s need for contact and helps them become aware of their body pattern. The massage also remarkably soothes toddlers suffering from colic. On older adults who are still a little excited at the end of the day, it has a real relaxing effect. But more than anything, it is a capital gesture of communication, which requires less technique than love. It is above all a question of making it a privileged moment of exchange and of transmitting all your tenderness, so do not focus on the precision of your gestures. As long as they are soft, baby will appreciate it. And as the sessions progress, he will make you understand the movements he appreciates the most.

Practical advice for baby to enjoy

For you and your child to fully enjoy the benefits of these moments of sharing, you must be mentally available. If you are overwhelmed with fatigue or stressed, your actions will be affected. It might be better to postpone the massage session. Even if, on the other hand, those few minutes away from the world can also help you relax. Nothing prevents you from starting by being very attentive to your baby’s reactions and to your own feelings. You will see very quickly whether or not you can continue. In any case, before and during the massage, talk to your child, describe your gestures to him, standing 20-30 cm from his face. Despite his very young age, he perceives everything that is going on and needs you to put words on it, even if he does not yet understand their meaning. Finally, do not insist if some days your child does not seem willing to have a massage. Maybe he is just tired or starting to feel hungry.

Before starting, make sure the room is sufficiently heated (between 20-25 ° C). Turn off your phone, dim the light, undress your baby entirely, and rub your hands together to warm them. To make your movements more fluid and nourish the skin, prefer organic sesame oil to sweet almond oil, which is too allergenic.

Last precaution, never exceed 30 minutes of massage. And, from a more practical point of view, slip a mattress sheet under baby’s buttocks: massage frequently triggers a urinary reflex in toddlers.


The different massages for babies

Belly massage

Lay your child on their back and start with small circular movements on their tummy. These rotations must be done in the direction of clockwise in order to respect the intestinal transit. Then go up along the thorax and extend the fan movement to the arms, going to the palms of the hands. Repeat several times then do the same for the lower limbs, working your way down to the feet.

Facial massage

Take advantage that your child is always lying on his back to massage his face and neck with 2 hands and, of course, given his small size, with 2 inches. Use very gentle stretching maneuvers towards the ears and small, even softer sinus pinching.

Foot massage

Position your child face down and place a light blanket on their back and thighs. Take one of his feet, place it in the palm of your left hand if you are right-handed, and gently knead his arch with your two thumbs, which should remain flat. They can then explore the entire foot: the outer and inner side, the heel, and even massage the toes by pulling them lightly. Then repeat your gestures on his other foot.

Hand massage

With your baby still on his stomach, take turns massaging his hands, being careful not to lift his arms too much and keeping his hands horizontal. As with his feet, rest his hand in your left hand if you are right-handed, then gently knead his palm with your two thumbs before massaging his fingers one after the other by pulling them lightly.

Back massage

Finally, put your child on his stomach. Start your thumbs from the lower back and fan up to the shoulder blades, extending the movement well up to the neck and arms.

Training in massages for newborns

There are many books to get started with baby massage. To go further, gain confidence and improve your gestures, you can also take a workshop. The Edelweiss association and the French Baby Massage Association have listed on their sites trained professionals who commit to respecting a quality charter. You can also ask your midwife or pediatrician for more information.

The place of massage in newborn care

Massaging your baby shouldn’t be taken as an obligation. Don’t force yourself or feel guilty if you really don’t feel comfortable with this practice. Maybe her daddy wants to try? Either way, carrying your baby, rocking him, caressing him tenderly while smiling and talking to him softly will fulfill his basic need for contact.

Likewise, don’t try to place a massage session in an already busy daily routine at all costs. Better to massage baby less often, only on weekends for example, than to do it in a rush. If your schedule allows you to ensure a certain regularity, you can for example practice it alternately every other day with the bath which, remember, does not need to be daily.


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