The child who lacks self-esteem
Between 0 and 3 years old we can’t really talk about a sign because self-esteem is still embryonic. But there are still two main directions that can indicate a deficiency:
Is the child is folded up , sluggish, inhibited, he doesn’t want to explore or play, he’s a little frozen baby. Warning: just because a child is like that doesn’t necessarily mean he lacks self-esteem! It’s just one of the possible signs.
Is he shows motor hyperactivity, but not in a constructive way. Very excited, he can’t keep still. This is what Emmanuelle Rigon calls “a buldozer child who will not hesitate to throw himself against the walls to see what it does and destroy all the toys that are given to him«.
It is quite clear around 20-24 months when children systematically overturn, crush, jump on it.
This destructive attitude is also reflected in their behavior with others. However, a child who does not have a problem of self-esteem in principle is not aggressive.
Parents, your baby’s ego is in your hands!
If everything does not play out before 3 years old, you should know that the emotional deficiencies of the first age are a little complicated to recover. Of course there is the phenomenon of resilience that Boris Cyrulnik talks about (adults who have managed to overcome traumas experienced in their childhood), but when we examine the cases of which he speaks, we see that there has always been in their story someone to give attention and encouragement during the first year.