Baby is constipated: what to do?

Baby does not poop: when to talk about infant constipation?

First of all, know that a baby who has a single bowel movement every day, or even every other day, is not constipated. We can only talk about constipation if the stools are rare (less than once every four days, or less than once a week in case of exclusive breastfeeding), hard, dry (in balls) and emitted with difficulty. In addition, it should be kept in mind that if constipation generally causes concern in parents, it is abouta frequent phenomenon in newborns, less than 30 days old. Bottle-fed toddlers aren’t the only ones affected. Indeed, 10 to 20% of breastfed babies also have transit problems.

Baby is constipated: possible causes

Most often, constipation is due to a poor diet or a change in diet. Make sure your child drink enough (especially if it’s hot). Furthermore, an overdose in infant milk can also cause transit disorders.

Note: in older children, the afraid to go to the toilet at school, or having pain, can be the cause of chronic constipation. Don’t hesitate to talk to him about it. This disorder can also be accompanied by imperfect acquisition of stool control when a child holds himself back regularly. Anal fissure can also occur with chronic and persistent constipation.

Hepar, fruit juice: our anti-constipation remedies

You can start by replacing the water in the bottles with Vittel or Hepar, on medical advice if the baby is less than six months old. The constipated infant should drink a lot between feeds / bottles. Also increase the amount of fruit juice – preferably orange juice – that you usually give her.

For older children and babies who have started food diversification, put foods high in fiber on their plates (cereals, green vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, prunes).

How to treat and treat constipation of the baby?

When to worry, when to consult?

In the absence of stools, Pierre Popowski, pediatrician-homeopath, recommends that parents consult their doctor for rule out any hypothesis of medical or surgical affection of the child. Know that simple actions can act on a baby’s constipation: abdominal massage (clockwise), bending of the legs on the stomach, “special infant” glycerin suppository. So many natural methods intended to relieve your child and help him to evacuate his stool.

What about medical treatment?

Self-medication is to be avoided. Under no circumstances should you resort to a laxative on your own. Do not use a rectal thermometer either, due to the risk of ulcers. Direction the doctor or pediatrician if the above natural methods have not worked, or if the symptoms worsen (pain, hard stomach, etc.).

What about homeopathy?

In case of failure of the classic methods, Dr Pierre Popowski advises to opt for homeopathy. Baby screams, tries in vain? NUX VOMICA 5CH can be effective. For infants who are grumpy as soon as they wake up, LYCOPODIUM 5CH is ideal. In case of bulky, sticky or painful stools, opt for the GRAPHITES 5CH formula. Conversely, if your child has dry and hard stools, NATRUM MURIATICUM 5CH will be the most appropriate. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. Finally, in case of constipation if your baby is breastfed, a dose of OPIUM 9CH is usually sufficient.

In video: 8 good reflexes to balance your intestinal flora

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