Baby in the square: between motor and social learning

Outings to the park, beneficial for Baby

In winter, as in summer, children love to go to the square. In addition to having fun, children test their abilities. Between the ages of 2 and 3, toddlers are just beginning to know how to accompany the movement of the swing. He can have fun there “all alone like a grown-up”, under close surveillance, of course. On the other hand, he will need you to make his first slides on the slide. Little by little, he will try new experiences on more sophisticated games. (monkey bridge, spiders or turnstiles). In general, you will be asked for the reception! Between 3 and 4 years old, he managed to push alone on a seesaw without letting go. But it is still a little tense on a classic swing and can let go at any time. This is also the time when he begins to be able to climb an inclined climbing plane and along a rope net. Between 4 and 5 years old, his perception of heights and distances is refined, he can play the adventurer without your help.


Take baby to the park, good for socializing

In the square, there are rules to respect : it is forbidden to hinder others, to go up the slide upside down, to set off at high speed before the previous child has left the reception area. In short, you have to wait your turn. A question of good manners but also of safety. Around 4 years old, he will begin to make real friends who will share his games and his arguments. If he comes to complain, it is better to teach him to resist peacefully rather than to retaliate physically. As far as possible, avoid intervening (unless an age gap puts it in danger): children’s affairs are settled between children.

Baby in the square: parents, be vigilant

Keep a close eye on your child because the entrance gate, despite being automatically closed most of the time, opens easily. On the other hand, it is heavy to hold onto, so protect your hands from possible pinching. Likewise, if you put your baby in the sandbox, don’t take your eyes off him because he can put everything in his mouth. When you get home, wash her hands and face to avoid skin problems., digestive or wound infection. As for the games, it’s up to you to check that they have not deteriorated and that your child is using them correctly. Here are some key points to check: The high slide platform should have protective barriers, the wooden slide should not contain splinters and not be hot in summer. Finally, the tourniquet must have a central plate in order to prevent the child from getting stuck in his arms or legs.

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