Causes and symptoms of conjunctivitis in babies
Conjunctivitis is a inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the white of the eye. Conjunctivitis has several origins. It can be caused by smoke, dust, very bright light, a virus or bacteria, but also an allergy. Rarer, conjunctivitis is also a symptom of measles. As for the conjunctivitis of the newborn, formerly very serious, it has now practically disappeared thanks to the systematic administration of eye drops from birth.
As for symptoms, your little one may feel itching or discomfort such as the impression of foreign bodies under the eyelid. Pain is not always present. Eyes cry, turn red and sometimes secrete a watery, purulent substance. The eyelashes are generally stuck in the morning, upon waking. Depending on the origin of the conjunctivitis, the symptoms differ.
Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis :
- The eye is red and runny
- Sometimes the child has a fever and sore throat.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis of bacterial origin :
- The white of the eye and the inside of the eyelid are reddish.
- The eyelashes are glued in the morning, upon waking.
- The secretions of the eye are clearly purulent and a ball of pus may form at the level of the inner corner of the eye.
If you have a recurrent conjunctivitis, it may be a tear duct obstruction, which leads tears from the eye to the nasal passages. It is essential to consult an ophthalmologist, who will sometimes decide to perform an small benign intervention in order to unblock this channel.
Conjunctivitis: which treatment for Baby?
Treatment of conjunctivitis of viral origin
Eyes should be cleaned regularly, preferably with physiological serum. Your doctor will certainly prescribe disinfectant and decongestant eye drops.
Treatment of conjunctivitis of bacterial origin
Eye drops and antibiotic ointments are generally very effective in treating conjunctivitis, provided they are administered very regularly, every two hours.
The right actions to adopt : Giving drops in Baby’s eye can be a pain, but there are eye drops, nasal drops and ear drops. To relieve your little one’s eyes, apply cold compresses. If possible, leave it in the dark, because the bright light may disturb it. Regarding homeopathy, you can give your child granules and drops ofEuphrasia D4. To fight against inflammation of the mucous membranes, we recommendApi mellifica D4 (5 granules 3 times a day). For more information, do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice.