Baby has bronchitis

Bronchitis, what is it?

It is an inflammation of the bronchi, the conduits that carry inhaled air from the trachea to the lungs. Usually of viral origin, bronchitis follows a cold or the flu.

There are two forms: acute and chronic bronchitis. The first is a frequent affection, of sudden onset and of brief duration. While the second gradually sets in and therefore becomes chronic.

For the vast majority of people, acute bronchitis lasts 2 to 3 weeks and is not a problem. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, lasts more than 3 months a year.

Note that it happens to confuse bronchitis and nasopharyngitis from coughing. Commonly calledcold, nasopharyngitis is a mild viral infection the lining that lines the inside of the nose (nasal cavity) and the pharynx (located behind the nasal cavity).

Symptoms of bronchitis

  • A dry cough, cavernous then oily
  • Violent coughing fits with phlegm
  • A moderate fever
  • Un runny nose thick and yellowish
  • Un congestion of the bronchi and breathing difficulties

Treatments for bronchitis

The doctor will prescribe medication for the infection, as well as treatment for the fever. It will not deliver thinning syrup because these syrups are contraindicated in children under two years old. 

Sometimes your child will need a few sessions of respiratory physiotherapy to help him clear the secretions.

As for antibiotics, they are only necessary in case of bacterial superinfection (they are powerless against viruses).

What is the difference between bronchiolitis and bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, that is, the bronchial lining and trachea, following a viral infection (influenza), whereas bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles.

The onset of bronchitis is usually marked by a runny nose, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Then the infection goes down and affects the middle bronchi. A few days later, the bronchitis is said to “fall on the chest”.

The cough at first dry, quinty, hoarse, painful, wheezing becomes wet, greasy and soon brings back sputum. Bronchitis lasts between 2 and 4 days with a low fever.

Bronchiolitis is a winter illness that affects infants from October to April, with acute respiratory distress. It is more serious than bronchitis and sometimes requires hospitalization. This viral lung infection affects the lower respiratory tract in children under 2 years old and especially infants under 6 months old. It lasts about 7 days.

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