What temperature is dangerous for baby? From how much to talk about fever?
This is when the child’s body temperature reaches 38,5°C that we are talking about fever. This is the body’s reaction to an infection, whether it be viral or bacterial. The body defends itself! At the same time, you generally notice that your little one is weakened, that he appears dejected and has less appetite … It is his behavior that should alert you more. On the other hand, there is no need to be alarmed if the thermometer displays less than 38 ° C. As a guide, your child’s temperature when you wake up generally approaches 36,5 ° C and can vary at certain times of the day …
Baby fever: when to worry? When to consult?
In the first days of his life and if your baby is less than 6 months, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially when the fever is high (+ 39 ° C) and is accompanied by other manifestations. If your child’s pediatrician is not available, 15 – the number for medical emergencies – will advise you to go to the emergency room of the hospital nearest to you.
For older child with moderate fever (38 ° C-39 ° C), take stock of the symptoms… Does he cough? Does he have any associated headaches, stiff neck? Do you notice a rash? Has he vomited? Has the fever suddenly returned during illness? Have you observed any changes in behavior (lethargy, apathy, irritability, food refusal, febrile convulsions, breathing difficulties, etc.)?
In all cases, if it persists for more than a day or two and that you notice that the general condition of your toddler is not improving or even deteriorating, go for a consultation. If only for be sure it is not a serious or progressive disease (especially meningitis), or that this unexplained fever does not cover up a urinary tract infection. But, be aware that fever attacks in babies are frequent and can often reach peaks. Most of the time, this is a minor phenomenon that you just have to watch out for.
What to do in case of fever in an infant?
Before consulting your doctor, who may or may not deem it useful to prescribe a medication, think about improving your child’s comfort. How? ‘Or’ What ? By avoiding overheating his room. Its temperature must oscillate between 18 ° C and 20 ° C. But also by putting on light clothes and avoiding covering it too much! It is also very important to offer a drink to your toddler. Infants are the most at risk of dehydration so be sure to maintain good hydration in case of fever, even moderate.
Either way, don’t panic! While a toddler’s first bouts of fever are impressive, you will learn to deal with them over time. Pay attention to your child’s behavior to react at the right time.
Should the fever be lowered? And if yes, how ?
We no longer recommend giving a lukewarm bath to try to lower the fever in the baby, because it is very uncomfortable for the child, and the drop in temperature can be too sudden. The same goes for rubbing alcohol, which is now not recommended. Fever being useful for the body to fight infection, if the child can bear it and it remains moderate, there is no need to give him an antipyretic drug. And never without having taken a medical opinion!
On the other hand, if he seems to be in pain or to be very uncomfortable, two classes of fever medicines can be used depending on the age of the child: Paracetamol® from birth, and Ibuprofen® from six months. Ask your pediatrician which one is right for him and in what dosage. Observe the instructions carefully, especially in terms of the duration between two doses. Note that aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) should never be administered to children without a medical prescription (rare but present risk of the occurrence of Reye’s syndrome).