Baby has a cold

The common cold in babies: causes

The common cold affects the upper respiratory tract, that is, the nose and pharynx. That’s why we like to call him rhinitis or rhinopharyngitis. causes of colds ? It is caused by a very volatile and contagious virus. There is not one but several kinds of viruses that cause nasopharyngitis.

Colds in infants: symptoms

The cold symptoms are very easy to recognize. Baby has a runny nose, it is difficult to breathe because of his blocked nose and sometimes has a fever that does not exceed 38 ° C. Often the common cold is accompanied by sneezing and coughing. Baby is embarrassed when feeding or drinking from a bottle because of his blocked nose. If baby is sleeping through the night, he may wake up several times.

The duration of the common cold in babies

La cold duration : In general, the common cold goes away after 10 to 15 days.

According to a Swiss study from 2019, this duration is respected in children with diverse nasal microbiota, with few bacteria of the Moraxellaceae and Streptococcaceae type. However, in babies with persistent colds, the microbiota is not very diversified and especially colonized by these bacteria. These cause inflammation and can make the common cold worse, at first common. However, there is a strong link between the frequency and duration of respiratory infections in babies under one year of age, and their subsequent risk of asthma.

Baby’s cold: what to do?

Infant colds are caused by a virus, so antibiotics have no effect on the disease. It is cured by repetitive blowing and a little paracetamol to lower the fever.

Baby is less than 3 months old and has a cold: when should I see a doctor?

Baby is a month old? Baby is two months old? Yes Baby is less than 3 months old, it is Baby’s first cold and do not hesitate to consult your doctor or pediatrician.

Baby is over 3 months old and has a cold: what to do and when should I see a doctor?

For the older ones, a consultation will be necessary if the symptoms progress negatively. If your child’s condition does not improve after 5 days, if his temperature exceeds 38 ° C, if he has great difficulty in breathing, if he has a frequent and incessant cough, if he is rubbing ears, if the phlegm in his nose turns brownish, greenish or yellowish, then he should be examined quickly by his doctor. Because the common cold can hide another more serious illness.

Before 5 years, more than 5 colds per year, this is normal

The little ones are more susceptible to the virus. It is difficult to escape the common cold as the viruses causing the “disease” are numerous and contagious. And babies are particularly cold because they no longer have their mother’s antibodies and have not yet acquired their own immune system. In addition, respiratory viruses circulate very easily from one child to another, thanks to a nose candle, a small dirty hand, etc. They forge their immunity.

A child has 5 to 7 colds a year, if not more…, and that’s normal! It is said that it takes about fifty to forge concrete immunity: over the course of viral encounters (since cold germs are mostly viruses, rather than bacteria), it builds its immunity. The anti-microbial defense system of young children matures very gradually until the age of 5-6 years.

How to prevent a baby’s cold?

Even in the midst of an epidemic, we can try to protect the youngest from the common cold of the less young (and in particular from the respiratory syncitial virus, which is responsible for the common cold in adults, and bronchiolitis before the age of 2). Knowing that the virus is spread through saliva, sneezes, coughs, hands and contaminated objects, it is advisable to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your baby, to avoid kisses on his face if you have a cold, toprevent exchange of pacifiers and not to walk in closed and smoky public places, of course.


The common cold is not caught by “catching the cold”, so there is no need to cover your child too much. Also, at home, the room must be regularly ventilated, not too heated (less than 20 ° C) and sufficiently humidified.

How to treat a cold in Baby?

In general, to relieve baby, it is sufficient to blow your nose frequently and clear your airways. You can use wicks, sterile compresses soaked in physiological serum or a baby nose. The child should be given regular water and made sure that he is getting as much rest as possible. A decongestant ointment, available at pharmacies, can help clear the airways. It is strongly advised not to administer cough suppressants or other drugs without medical advice. Washing your hands before picking up your baby is the best way to limit contagion. Likewise, it should be kept away from people with colds and smoking places.

Baby with a cold: no self-medication

Even if your toddler is subscribed to rhinos, tonsillitis or ear infections, do not take the risk of reusing any medication without medical advice, even if they were previously prescribed to treat these same diseases. Taking the place of the pediatrician would be far too dangerous even if Baby has just a little cold.

What cold medicines for infants?

On the other hand, do not hesitate a single minute to try to bring down the fever, relieve a sore throat or unclog a nose … But do not forget, before putting on your white coat, to ask your pharmacist for advice on how to relieve your pain. baby with a cold.

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