Baby food, complementary foods: how to feed your baby, wholesome foods

Baby food, complementary foods: how to feed your baby, wholesome foods

Debunking seven of the most popular baby food myths.

Since Soviet times, children have been taught: “If you eat badly, you won’t grow up.” And the rule “first, second and compote” was unshakable. However, scientific research is changing the way we think about good nutrition, including what is actually good for a child. We have collected 6 well-established myths about baby food, which are long overdue to debunk.

Myth 1. Morning begins with semolina

We all grew up on semolina porridge, with which the morning began at my grandmother’s or in kindergarten. And today scientists say: semolina is at least useless. There are practically no vitamins, fiber and other useful substances in it. It is also very heavy food. And semolina contains phytin, which interferes with the assimilation of zinc, calcium and vitamin D from other products. Therefore, it is definitely not necessary to feed a baby up to a year with semolina.

Myth 2. Ice cream is the way to sore throat

“You can’t, you’ll get a cold throat!” – the parents told us, forbidding a tasty dairy delicacy. And today, many pediatricians, including the famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, allow ice cream to be eaten for angina and tonsillitis, only once a day and in small pieces. Cold constricts blood vessels, fats block bacteria, tonsils are cleansed, throat irritation disappears. Amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins and enzymes accelerate metabolism and tone up. Just look at the composition, it is important that cream or natural milk comes first and there are no additives in the form of nuts and raisins.

Myth 3. It is impossible without the “first”

Today it is believed that it is better to do without meat broth or soup. And even more so, you should not feed your child with soup, on the surface of which fat floats – this is very harmful. It was once believed that soup is the best aid for gastritis. In fact, for people with high acidity, this dish is completely contraindicated. In addition, the meat contains many biologically active substances that pass into the broth and give a recognizable meat flavor. But they can also do harm. For example, purines lead to excitation of the nervous system, an excess of uric acid is formed, which leads to the deposition of crystals in the kidneys and joints. That is why meat and meat soup are not often recommended for children and the elderly. Moreover, the meat is sometimes treated with hormones and antibiotics, the child develops an allergy.

Myth 4. Food from jars is healthy

On the one hand, of course, food in jars saves mothers time – no need to spend hours fiddling around the stove, grinding food. Manufacturers assure that canned purees contain all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. On the other hand, independent laboratory studies have repeatedly shown that all this is much less than a child needs. In addition, the child must learn to chew solid foods. This is useful for its development as well. Now, three-year-olds are often brought to kindergartens, who still do not know how to eat normally – they just suck food. So, if the baby has his first teeth, give him a regular apple.

Myth 5. Grandma’s jam helps “from everything”

In winter, you open a jar of jam that your grandmother made, and your mood rises. It is in the body that the hormone of joy is produced – serotonin. Tea with raspberries – for colds, with viburnum – for stomach upsets, with black currants – to improve health: jam is made from everything, even from watermelons, cucumbers and nuts. But science has established: the longer berries and fruits are boiled, the less vitamins remain in them. Therefore, it is better for a child to freeze fresh berries for the winter. In addition, there is a lot of sugar in the jam, you should not give it too often.

Lessons at school, exams, training – a modern student has no time to eat. Don’t worry, there is a way out. Nutritionists advise giving your child a sandwich or yoghurt bun, and the balance will be struck. It is much healthier than chocolate bars, soda, and chips.

Myth 7. Porridge with milk is the best breakfast

But no. It turns out that cereals do not go well with milk. If you mix them together, then neither from cereals nor from milk useful microelements are not properly absorbed. The same applies to cereals and muesli: pouring milk over them will only spoil both. Better to cook porridge in water, and pour the muesli with juice.

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