
Children quickly learn that if you make a displeased or unhappy face, kind parents immediately rush to help or regret. Conveniently! However, smart parents who have learned to understand this manipulative chip react simply: “Correct your face!” And what do you think, what are the results after that? “Here are fragments from the reports of my students.

The son reads the story with demonstrative reluctance and boredom. I said that he would reread it until he read it cheerfully, with expression and interest. It helped, I read it from the third or fourth time.

The daughter came to the breakfast table with an upset look, as if she did not like something; I told her to fix her face to a joyful one, put on a smile, otherwise she would go to the corner. It helped, immediately straightened her face and smiled.

The daughter in the store dropped the mannequin and immediately got upset so that no one scolded her. I approached and said that if she gets upset, I will punish her. She smiled and told what had happened. I told her to promise not to do that again.

Arriving home, the daughter was upset again — just like that. I told her to straighten her face, otherwise dad would be angry, but then my daughter suddenly balked. And here is the answer: my mother took pity on her and asked me to leave the child behind for now: “The girl is very tired!”. The daughter nodded her head in the affirmative: “Yes, yes, I am very tired!”

Another family, another dad. The son (8 years old) is ready to be punished, but if he decides to walk frowning, he wants to walk frowning, even for no reason. All in dad — what you decide is what will happen! Well, dad began to agree: “The condition is that for every minute of a bad mood you do push-ups three times!”. The son is athletic, nodded — I agree! The situation has entered into a reasonable framework, for more than 15 minutes the son does not go to the dissatisfied muzzle, and the father is completely satisfied — the son strengthens the muscles.

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