Why this game?
During this moment of complicity, the baby mainly perceives the eye-hand movements. Finger games are important exploration and manipulation activities for the psychomotor development of the child. They enrich the spectrum of words heard on a daily basis and promote the acquisition of “object permanence”, an essential stage around 1 year old.
Vary the pleasures!
You can mime with your hands and fingers the sung game of the little fish: at the beginning, the little fish swims, swims, swims. Hands are joined to mimic the gesture of swimming. Then, the adult opens his mouth to mimic the fish. The song ends by miming the bubbles, joining thumb and forefinger and clicking your tongue! You can also get ideas from Montessori activities, with the sung game of the tree …
How do we play ?
Most often, the big brands offer funny mini-puppets with the effigy of animals. You simply slide your finger inside. Tell a simple story or sing a nursery rhyme to your baby, moving your fingers as you go. He will follow the moving animal heads with his eyes, one after the other! This game is sure to make him laugh out loud! A nice alternative: make your own finger puppets, for example by cutting gloves and customizing them with bits of wool and buttons.